英语人教版四年级上册Unit 3My friends A Let's learn

Unit 3 My friends 第二课时 Part A let’s learn & Let’s chant教案

一、 教学内容

本课时教学内容是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends A Let’s learn & Let’s chant部分。本课时主要学习描述人物相貌特征的形容词以及描述他人相貌特征的交际用语等。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标:

(1)学生能听、说、认读tall and strong, short and thin, quiet, friendly等单词和词组。

(2)学生能够熟练运用句型He’s …介绍人物的性格和外貌特征;能够使用Who is he?询问他人姓名,并能回答。

(3)学生能够理解歌谣中对人物外形及性格特点的描述,并能创编新的歌谣描述自己的朋友。 2、能力目标


(2)能结合新旧知识完成描述外貌猜测身份的游戏,提高综合运用语言的能力。 3、情感态度目标


(2)增加朋友之间的友谊,建立正确的互爱互助的朋友关系。 三、教学重、难点

1. 教学重点:

(1)能够听、说、认读词汇tall and strong, short and thin, quiet, friendly。

(2)能够向别人简单介绍自己的朋友及其外貌特征,如:My friend is tall and strong, she is very friendly. 2. 教学难点:

注意单词quiet和friendly的发音。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Let’s do

Be fat, be fat, be fat fat fat. Be thin, be thin, be thin thin thin. Be tall, be tall, be tall tall tall. Be short, be short, be short short short. Step 2 Presentation 1. Lead-in

T: I want to ask you a question. Do you have a friend? S1:Yes.

T: A boy or a girl? Who is he/she?

S1: His name is…/Her name is …(问多几个学生)

T: Today Miss Huang will introduce a new friend to you. Please look at the picture. Do you know who he is?(屏幕出示大雄的照片) S1: His name is Da Xiong. (播放生日歌)

T:oh, listen! What song is it? Ss: Happy birthday to you!

T: Yes, it’s a birthday song. Today is Da Xiong’s birthday. His friends will come to see him. Do you want to go to Da Xiong’s birthday party? If you can do a good job, you can go too.

2. 教学tall and strong, short and thin, friendly, quiet. (1) 教学tall and strong (PPT呈现门铃响的画面) T:Who comes? (呈现胖虎推门的动作) T:Who is he?

Ss: His name is Pang Hu.

T: Yes, Pang Hu is Da Xiong’s friend. What is he like?

引导学生回答He is tall and strong.(板书),接着让学生以两个接两个的形式开火车操练,由于在第一课时已经学过该词组,所以操练时间可以缩短。

(2)教学short and thin

(PPT盖住小夫的脸,让学生猜猜是大雄的哪个朋友来了) T:Who is he? Can you guess? Ss: His name is Xiao Fu.

T: What is he like? Is he tall? Is he strong? Ss: No. He’s short and thin.

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