
so…that…, such…that…, …so that…区别


(1)such是形容词,它所修饰的名词可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词;名词前面可以带形容词,也可以不带。如果其后是单数可数名词,前面需加不定冠词a或an。因此,such?that?的句型结构可分为以下三种: ①such + a(n)(+adj.)+ [c]n.单+that从句。如: She is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her. 她是一位很好的老师,我们都敬爱她。

Table tennis is such an interesting game that people all over the world play it.乒乓球是一项很有趣的运动,以致全世界的人都参加这项运动。


They are such interesting books that I want to read them once more. 这些书非常有趣,我想再读一遍。 ③such(adj.)+[u]n. +that从句。如: It was such bad weather that I had to stay at home. 天气太坏,以致我不得不呆在家里。 (2)so是副词,与形容词或副词连用,其结构是:so+adj.(adv.)+that从句。如:

He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him. 他跑得那么快,我赶不上他。

I am so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open. 我太困了,眼睛几乎睁不开了。



There were so many people in the street watching the fire that firefighters could not get close to the building.

街上围观大火的人太多了,消防队员无法靠近大楼。 I have never seen such little sheep before。



This is such an important meeting that you should attend it. =This is so important a meeting that you should attend it. 这是一次很重要的会议,你一定要参加。


(3). so ... that ... 引导结果状语从句有时候可以与such ... that ...句型相互转换。如:

1. The stone is so heavy that I can‘t lift it up.

=It is such a heavy stone that I can’t lift it up.(改写同义句)

(4). 当that引导的结果状语从句为肯定句时,so ... that ...可以与be ... enough to do转换;当从句为否定句时,可以与too ... to ... 或be not ... enough to do转换。如:

1. He is so old that he can go to school. =He is old enough to go to school.

2. The boy is so young that he can't look after himself. =The boy is not old enough to look after himself.

3. David was so careless that he didn't find the mistakes in his test paper. (变为简单句)

=David was too careless to find the mistakes in his test paper. …so that…句型

so that引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词,此时可以和in order to 进行转换;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用can和may等词,在so that前可以用逗号,意思是“因此;所以,以致”。如:

1. He got up very early so that he could catch the train. = He got up very early in order to catch the train. 他起得很早以便能赶上火车。(目的状语从句) 2. He raised his voice,so that everyone heard him. 他提高了声音,结果大家都听见了。(结果状语从句)




1. 他努力学习,以便取得好成绩。

He works hard ______________ he can get good results. 2. 老师写得很仔细,是为了让我们看得清楚。

The teacher wrote carefully ____________ we could see clearly.

3. 他太伤心了,以致说不出一个字来。

He is ________________he can’t say a word. 4.妹妹身体太弱了,不能再走了。

My sister is _______________ she can’t walk farther. 5.他跳得很远,所以得了第一名。

He jumped _______________he got the first place. 6. 这套衣服很贵,我没买。

The suit cost _____ much _____ I didn’t buy it. 7. 那次旅游很便宜,他们都去了。

The trip cost _____ _____ _____ they all went.

8. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以致于大喊大叫。

When the football fans saw Beckham, they got _________ excited __________ they cried out.

9. David was so careless that he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper. (变为简单句)

David was ______ careless ______ find the mistakes in his test paper.

10. The boy is so young that he can't look after himself. (改写句子)

The boy is not _______ _______to look after himself. 二. 翻译下列句子:

1. 今天天气那么好我们将去游泳。

2. 这双鞋这么小我穿不上。




5. 他们都是很好的学生,老师喜欢他们。

三. 用so…that…改写下列句子。

1.The camera cost very much. I didn’t buy one.

2.The trip cost very little. They all went.

3.The star is very far away. We can’t see it with out eyes.

4.Ed lent me an umbrella (以便我不会在雨中淋湿).

5.Mike bought a camera.(以便她能在北京拍照).


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