外研版小学英语四年级上册Module1 《Unit 1 Go straight on》教学设计

Module 1 Unit1 Go Straight On



(1)会用“Excuse me, where’s…please?”问路。 (2)会用“Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right.”指路。

2、情感目标:培养学生懂礼貌的品质,请别人帮忙要用“Excuse me ”“ please”等礼貌用语。




课件、一张由学校到自己家的路线图、“Left、 Right” 舞曲影碟


Step 1: Greeting

T: Hi. Boys snd girls. Ss: Hello. Ms. zhao

T: You look happy. How are you today?

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Ss: Very well. Thank you. And you?

T: I’m very well. Excuse me, what day is today? Ss: It’s Friday.

T: Excuse me, what’s the weather like? Ss: It’s … Step 2: Warm up 1、(Play the video)

T:Boys and girls.Do you like dancing? Good. Stand up, please. Look and the screen, follow the music , let’s dance .教师在前面示范。

Left. Right. Go. Turn around .Go go go. Left. Right. Go. Turn around .Go go go. Step 3: Presentation

1、T talk to S1

T: Excuse me, give me a pencil-box, please? S1 Pass a pencil-box to T.

2、T pretend to drop the pencil-box.

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T:The pencil-box is lost .Where’s my pencil-box? (Ss poit to it) 3、T:Oh .Go straight on. Turn left .It’s here. Thank you. 4、T:Boys and girls, now, we’re learning dicretions. Step 4: Presentation and Practice

1、Act and say: Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right. T: (Turn right) Ss: Turn right. T: (Go straight on) Ss: Go straight on.

2、Read the three sentences. 3、Contest: Listen and act


4、Group show and comments

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