Fillet Root Splines are those in which a single fillet in the general form of an arc joins the sides of adjacent teeth.
Flat Root Splines are those in which fillets join the arcs of major or minor circles to the tooth sides.
Form Circle is the circle which defines the deepest points of involute form control of the tooth profile. This circle along with the tooth tip circle (or start of chamfer circle) determines the limits of tooth profile requiring control. It is located near the major circle on the internal spline and near the minor circle on the external spline.
译注B6:在《GB/T 3478.1-2008》中,将Form Circle定义为两个圆:键的渐开线终止圆(内花键用)和渐开线起始圆(外花键用)。而在本标准中,将这两个圆统称为Form Circle,译者将Form Circle翻译为渐开线构成圆。(这个圆与另外一个圆,构成了渐开线使用的范围)。具体看《GB 3478.1》中,表1序号17 -20和图1 渐开线花键联结。
译注B7:定义Form Circle(渐开线构成圆)的原因是:在渐开线构成圆与齿顶圆(或者倒角线的起点所在的圆)之间的花键的齿形必须为渐开线齿形,其余部分不一定按照渐开线成形。
译注B8:句中chamfer,并不是指真正的倒角,而是一种平滑的过渡线。(渐开线和大径或小径的过渡线) 译注B9:这个范围是一个直径的范围。也就是从直径A开始到直径B为止,这中间的齿廓必须为渐开线。
Form Clearance (cF) is the radial depth of involute profile beyond the depth of engagement with the mating part. It allows for looseness between mating splines and for eccentricities between the minor circle (internal), the major circle (external), and their respective pitch circles.
译注B10:关于cF请看《GB 3478.1》中,图1 渐开线花键联结cF,或者本标准表6,图中cF。
Form Diameter (DFe, DFi) the diameter of the form circle. 渐开线构成圆直径(DFe, DFi):渐开线构成圆所在圆的直径。(见译