
福师《英汉互译》在线作业二-0001 试卷总分:100 得分:100

一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)

1.Let’s go for a walk in the garden. _______, but I need to do the washing-up. A.No, thank you

B.That’s right C.Good idea D.Not at all 答案:C

2.________number of errors was surprisingly small. A.The B.A C.One D.Little 答案:A

3.I'm sorry I'm late. I got _________by a friend on the way here. A.put up B.hung up C.slowed down D.held on 答案:B

4.The slogan _________to remind the candidate and the staff ________the campaign focused on the nation's slow-moving economy. A.meant ... of keeping B.was meaning ... to keep C.was meant ... to keep

D.had meant ... with keeping 答案:C

5.Jack often complains____able to communicate with his parents. A.of being not B.of not being C.being not D.not being 答案:B

6.It was _______a hundred people looked lost in it. A.so large a room that B.so a large room that C.such large room that D.such large a room that 答案:A

7.They_________the government's new policies.

A.are opposed B.oppose to

C.are opposed to

D.are opposed against 答案:C

8.He used to_________at the River Seine and the golden reflections of the setting sun to establish an atmosphere for creativity. A.gaze B.gazing C.be gazed D.being gazed 答案:A

9.Her father will never ____ of her going to study in the United States alone. A.prove B.agree C.admit D.approve 答案:D

10.Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could ____English . A.practise to speak B.practising speaking C.practise speaking D.to practise speaking 答案:B

11.She is already 16years old. But she____as if she were still a little girl. A.believes B.absorbs C.accrses D.behaves 答案:D

12.In the United States, there is always ____ flow of people to areas of ______ country where more jobs can be found. A.a; the B.the ; a C.the; the D.a; a 答案:A

13.It is only recently _________astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. A.when

B.so that C.that D.which 答案:C

14.The two thieves fled the town separately,____a bag. A.each carrying

B.whose that watch is C.whose watch is that D.whose watch is 答案:A

15.The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _____ four percent. A.any other B.the other C.another D.other 答案:C

16.He has to __________to the chairman for all the money he spends. A.count B.explain C.interpret D.account 答案:D

17.____ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school. A.Some other ten B.Another ten C.Other ten D.Ten others 答案:B

18.They are going downtown ____bus instead of ____their bikes. A.by,by B.on,by C.by,in D.by,on 答案:D

19.The thief was ____ by the police at the railway station. A.carpet B.mined C.captured D.mounted 答案:C

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