


听力部分(共四大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)

I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)英语基础知识。

31. 从书写形式上看,________是构成单词的最小单位,构成一个单词一般最少要有一个________。

A. 音素;辅音字母 B. 字母;元音字母 C. 音素;元音字母 D. 字母;辅音字母 32. 用升调来朗读的句子类型是________。

A. 陈述句 B. 祈使句 C. 特殊疑问句 D. 一般疑问句 33. 下列哪组字母代表“联合国”?


34. 英语国际音标共有元音________个,辅音________个,辅音中有清辅音________个。 A. 28; 20; 9 B. 32; 20; 15 C. 28; 22; 12 D. 20; 28; 11 35. 下列句子书写及标点全部正确的是________。

A. A book, a computer and some flowers are on the table. B. Sue is in the first Row.

C. The girl over there is Jane brown. D. Are there any cats in the tree! B)选择最佳答案填空。

36. Look at ________ wall on the left. There is ________ old photo on it. It's ________ photo of my family.

A. a; an; the B. the; a; a C. the; an; a D. a; the; the 37. I know ________ is ________ brother, but I really don't like ________. A. she; yours; her B. him; her; him C. he; her; him D. he; your; her


38. Do you like to go ________there ________ me?

A. on; after B. to; and C. for; after D. /; with 39. The two handsome ________ have ________ in their ________. A. man; tomatos; hand B. men; tomatoes; hands C. mans; tomatos; hands D. mans; tomato; hands 40. School is over. Let's go ________ now.

A. to class B. home C. to bed D. to the classroom 41. Mary has no new pens ________ pencils.

A. or B. except C. but D. so 42. —Is this computer your father's or yours? —________

A. Mine. B. Your. C. Yes, it's my father's. D. No, it isn't. 43. ________ at the blackboard!Can you ________ it?

A. Look; see B. Watch; see C. See; look D. See; look at 44. —________ is Miss Wang? —The one in a blue coat.

A. What B. How C. Whom D. Which 45. The girl is five but she can ________ pictures all by herself. A. draw B. draws C. to draw D. drawing C) 情景对话。 46. —What's your name? —My name is Cindy. —________?


—Yes, C-I-N-D-Y, Cindy.

A. How are you B. How do you do C. Can you spell it, please D. What can I do 47. —________? —It's eight thirty.

A. How old is your grandma B. How many students are there in your class

C. What's the time, please D. What number is your car 48. —You speak good English. —________.

A. No, not at all B. Thank you C. You are welcome D. It doesn't matter


A. she is in B. she is here C. she isn't at home D. this is Bob 50. —Who's under the tree over there? —Frank and Dale. —________? —Frank's bird.

A. Where is it B. Who's that C. What's that D. How is it II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共20小题,计30分。选择题每小题1分;非选择题每小题2分)

A) 阅读下列短文,从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。



Do you know something about the western schools? The following will tell you about when school starts and advice on taking holidays during term time.

Holidays during term time

Parents don't usually take children on holiday in term time because it is disruptive both to the child's education and to the school.

Schools can agree to a leave of absence for family holidays in term time. They can only agree to more than 10 school days absence in any school year in special condition. Parents should talk about their trips with the school before they book the tickets.

51. According to the passage, we know that there are ________ kinds of typical term dates in foreign schools.

A. spring, summer, autumn and winter B. more than three C. three D. less than three 52. How many parts of time are there in a term date?

A. Two. B. one. C. Three. D. Four. 53. How long does Autumn term last?

A. Ninety days. B. Three months. C. Less than three months. D. More than three months.

54. Sometimes parents take their children on holiday in term time, don't they? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don't. C. I don't know. D. So they do. 55. As a student, you are allowed to have ________ school days' leave in a school year if you have unusual things.

A. less than ten B. ten C. as many as you like D. over ten



Van is Jim's new friend at school. Van comes from a country far away. He doesn't talk like the other children in school. But he can do numbers and draw. The teacher asks Jim to show Van around and help him.

Van sits with Jim and his friends at lunch. Jim shows Van how to play kickball. Jim points to something and says the word. Van tries to say the word.

Van is learning many new words. He wants to learn how to read. Van is happy that Jim helps him and is his friend. Jim likes Van, too, because Van tries so hard. 56. The best title is ________.

A. At School B. Van Plays Ball C. Van Smiles D. Helping a New Friend 57. When Van first comes to school he can't ________.

A. talk like the other children B. do numbers and draw C. eat the food D. find a friend to help him 58. The teacher asks ________ to show Van around.

A. his deskmate B. his sister C. Jim D. his friends 59. The story says Jim likes Van because Van ________. A. can read B. tries very hard C. is nice D. can draw 60. In the picture, Van is ________. A. reading a book B. crying C. having lunch D. angry




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