2019年北京高三英语一模情景作文汇编 - 图文

brick, we realized how much effort was put into accomplishing the grand work of architectural art. Before we left, I led Jim to the souvenir center for cultural creative products. All the cups, notebooks and other products there bear certain elements of royal life. Jim was satisfied with his final choice of a Chinese fan. After this visit, I found the Forbidden City both traditional and modern because our rich and profound history was made alive here! 西城

Last week I participated in a school activity about making a poster entitled “40 years of China’s reform and opening-up in my eyes”.

On Friday evening, I was wondering what topic to choose for my poster. Many ideas popped into my head like “transportation”, “environment”, but I finally decided on “great changes in my

home”. Immediately I turned to my parents for help. Hearing that, they took out some photo albums and began their talk. Mom told me about what our home looked like twenty years ago while dad showed me some photos taken at that time. It was the first time I had seen an old-fashioned electric fan and tape recorder. Seeing my curious expression, my parents suggested a visit the next day to the exhibition commemorating the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up.

At the exhibition, we were amazed by the brilliant achievements made in the past four decades. In the daily life area, what attracted me most was the evolution of electric appliances, especially TV sets, from the clumsy small ones to the modern high-tech ones. Dad pointed at one TV, saying his family had a similar one when he was a kid. Considering these TVs could be used on my poster, I took some photos. With all the material collected, I got down to my poster, on which I wrote about the great changes in my home and also included some pictures.

My home is just one example. I am sure lots of Chinese families resemble mine, benefiting from China’s reform and opening-up. How proud I feel about the great changes! 东城

Last winter vacation, my classmates and I worked as volunteers in a hospital.

On our first morning, a doctor gave us a lecture, informing us of our roles as volunteers. It was the first time for me to know the daily routines in a hospital The next morning, fully prepared, we went to different posts and started our job. Together with my classmates, I assisted some patients when they didn’t know how to use the self-service registration machine. For senior citizens, we helped them register to save them the trouble.

Besides, I showed people the way to different consulting rooms. For those elderly patients, we

accompanied them all the way until it was their appointment time. They really appreciated our help. Later I shared my picture in the hospital on WeChat Moments. In no time, I received lots of likes from my friends. Some even expressed their great interest in the voluntary work. Actually, I had the most amazing experience doing very simple things for others. 朝阳

Green Travel in My Family

Last month, our school organized an activity named “Green Travel, Start with Me”, which has played an educative role.

Seeing the proposal on the bulletin board, my classmates and I were deeply interested and had a heated discussion. Everyone expressed their willingness to participate. After getting home, I

talked to my parents about my ideas. They were very supportive, saying they wouldn’t drive to work from the next day. In the following weeks, as we promised, I went to school by bike every day,

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while my parents went to work by bus. Tired as we were, we all felt happy. Last Friday, a class meeting was held as scheduled. Some parents were invited, including my father and mother. We shared our experiences and thoughts during the activity. All of us held the same view that environmental protection is so important for our life.

Through the activity, we find it our duty to protect the environment. I hope more and more people will join us in green travel. 丰台

With the approach of Winter Olympics, more and more people begin to try winter sports. Last weekend, my classmates and I decided to enjoy the snowy fun. Absolutely delighted, we enrolled in a training class. Arriving at the ski resort, our trainer gave us specific instruction in safe and skillful skiing. He was so careful and helpful that it didn’t take long to get ourselves on the trail. At first, we were all scared to take the first step in our skis. When we saw others having so much fun, we set out. Although we had several falls, none of us gave up. With great efforts, we were able to keep balance and ski more confidently. We played happily and felt a sense of achievement. To record the exciting moment, we took many pictures. We hope, in 2022, we can work as volunteers in Winter Olympics. 石景山

Last week, an activity called “Beijing opera entering Campus” was held in our school.

In the morning, two famous artists came to our school as planned. When they came into the room, we clapped warmly. After a casual chatting, the artists were invited to the hall to give us a detailed introduction to the Beijing opera. With great expectation, we listened attentively and learned that there are five main roles in Beijing opera, and the facial mask on each of them tells the

characteristics of the role. To help us better understand Beijing opera, the artist also showed us several classic examples of singing and acting.

After the lecture, we couldn’t wait to start the following training sessions. One artist showed us how to paint the facial mask on our face, and the other taught us the typical moves step by step. Under the patient guidance of the artists, we learned the basic skills and developed strong

interest. After several rehearsals, we were ready to stage a scene from “Journey to the West”. On the performing day, with excitement and nervousness, I played Sun Wukong with the lady artist. To our great delight, our performance won the applause of our schoolmates.

Through this activity, I’ve found Beijing opera appealing and learned it must take a long and hard training to become a good performer. I am expecting to spread Beijing opera to more audience.

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