七年级英语上册Unit8When-is your birthday教案

七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?

(Period 1: Section A 1a – 2d)

Teaching aims

1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them:

? when, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,

November, December

? the ordinal numbers from first to thirty-first 2. Be able to talk about one’s birthday by using ? When is your/his/her birthday?

? My/His/Her birthday is October tenth. ? When is Alice’s birthday? ? Her birthday is …

3. Express concern at family and friends. Teaching key points:

The name of twelve months in a year and the ordinal numbers 1st-31st. Teaching difficult points:

When questions and the use of the date

Teaching steps:

Step 1. Warning-up and lead in

(1) Greeting and give a self-introduction to the students(日常问候) (2) Song of the month to lead in: listen and tell what the song is about. Step 2. Presentation

1. Present the new words: month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

T: What’s this in English? (showing a picture of a Calendar) . It’s a calendar. How many months are there in year. There are 12 months in a year.

(Get the Ss to guess what month and year mean. Then, teach the Ss the names of 12 months.) 2. Working on 1a. (1) Listen and repeat.

(2) Ask some individual Ss to read the new words again. Correct their pronunciations when necessary. 3. Look and say

Look at the pictures, which month do you think they are? 4. Game

Show the words of months and have students say the words quickly and loudly. 5. Revise the cardinal numbers 6.Ordinal Numbers

(1) Present the ordinal numbers from first to thirtieth. (2) Learn the ordinal numbers and find out the rules. (3) 基数词变为序数词的顺口溜

(4)Read the ordinal numbers again. 7. Practice reading some dates. 8. Presentation

(1) The teacher shows her information card again and ask: When is my birthday? (help students to answer:) It’s on December 4th

(2)A birthday song to lead into the topic: to ask about the date of birth.

(3)Ask different students:When is your birthday? (help students to answer) My birthday is on…

Step3. Listening for 1b.

(1) Students listen and number conversations. Check their answers quickly. (2) Listen and repeat.

(3) Practice the conversations in pairs. Step 4. Pair work

Ask the Ss to ask and answer about their own birthdays. Step 5. Listening for 2c

(1)Work on 2c. Listen and match the names, months and dates. (3) Check the answers by asking: when is Alice’s birthday? etc. Step6. Pair work.

Talk about some movie or sing stars’ birthdays in pairs. Step7. Group work

Make a class birthday calendar with four classmates. And ask some groups to come to the Bb and give a report. Step8. Summary Step9. Homework

1. Remember the new words we learned today.

2. Use the target sentences to ask your family members and your teachers about their birthday, and then you can remember to make a birthday card for them.

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