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外研版五年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 同步练习


do go tell see visit like take have make fall 二、英汉互译

在周末 最喜欢……

沿着河流 乘公交车 have a good day lots of places the British Museum 三、选择

( ) 1 What did you do ___ the weekend ? A at B in C to ( ) 2 We ___ to the London Eye . A didn’t went B goes C went ( ) 3 did she do? A Where B What C How ( ) 4 did she go? She went to school. A Where B What C How ( ) 5 did she go? She went there by bus. A Where B What C How ( ) 6 We visited ___places . A a lot B lot of C lots of ( ) 7 Where did you go ___ Sunday ? A on the B in C last ( ) 8 We went to ___ British Museum and ___ Big Ben. A the , / B a , the C the , the

( ) 9 hour is sixty minutes. A Two B An C A ( ) 10 She liked the bus ___best. A ride B rides C riding 三、句型转换

1 I wanted to go to the museum last Sunday . (变为一般疑问句) __________ ___________want to go to the museum last Sunday ? 2 We visited lots of places at the weekend . (对划线部分提问) What ________ you _________ at the weekend ? 3 We visited the British Museum . (变为否定句) We __________ _____________ the British Museum .

4 Did Lingling like it ? (做肯定回答) Yes, _________ ____________ .

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Amy: Hello, Daming . How are you ?

Daming: 1___________ . What did you do at the weekend ? Amy: _2___________ . Daming: Where did you go ?

Amy: _3___________. And we visited Big Ben and the London Eye. Daming: What’s the London Eye ? Amy: 4__________ . It’s wonderful. Daming: I don’t understand. Amy: 5

A We went to the British Museum . B It’s a big wheel . C You’ll see it .

D We visited lots of places. E I’m fine , thanks . 五、阅读理解,判断对错

It’s a fine Sunday morning. There are many people here. They are looking at Big Ben. Many of them are young and some are old. Two boys are playing with their yo-yos . A girl is flying a kite.

There is a lake here. Mary and I are drawing near the lake . I am drawing Big Ben. I want to give the picture to my mother as a gift. ( ) 1 It is a fine Saturday morning . ( ) 2 Two boys are playing with a ball. ( ) 3 A girl is eating a banana.

( ) 4 I am drawing a picture of Big Ben. ( ) 5 The people are looking at Big Ben.

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Module 3 Unit 2 同步练习

一、 找出划线部分读音与众不同的一项

( ) 1 A dog B fox C drop D kilo ( ) 2 A take B name C bad D place ( ) 3 A wide B arrive C ride D picnic ( ) 4 A book B food C good D football ( ) 5 A duck B cute C use D Tuesday 二、写出下列单词的过去式

1 meet __________2 run ________3 come _________4 buy ______________ 5 walk____________6 send ___________7 are ___________8 is / am _________ 9 drop_________10 eat____________11 watch __________12 live_________ 三、英汉互译

at ten o’clock in the morning old and long 步行一个小时

在周末 照相 根本……不 四、选择

( ) 1 Daming took a photo ____ his father. A in B of C at ( ) 2 Then they walked ____ one hour. A for B in C on ( ) 3 went to the Great Wall? Amy. A Who B Whose C Where ( ) 4 They went ____bus to Badaling. A by B in C on ( ) 5 They went there ____ the morning . A this B in C on ( ) 6 I didn’t buy at all. A.Something B.nothing C.anything 五、选词填空 When Who Where How What 1 _________went to the Great Wall ? Daming went to the Great Wall . 2 __________did they go there ? They went there at ten o’clock. 3 ___________did they go ? They went by bus.

4 ____________did Daming do ? He took photos of the museums . 5 ____________did they go ? They went to the British Museum . 六、用所给单词的适当形式填空

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