人教版高中英语必修二Unit 3 Computers Period 2 Warming up and pre-reading教案

Unit3 Computers

Period 2 Warming up and pre-reading


I. Teaching contents:Warming up and pre-reading II. Teaching aims:

1)To inspire students with strong interest in the computers and improve students’ English ability.

2).Learn how to describe different kinds of computers in English. 3). To learn and remember the following words: abacus; calculator; PC; laptop; PDA; robot; development; universal; III. Key points & Difficulties Key points

Talk about the development of computers. Difficulties

Remember the new words. IV. Teaching procedure:.

Step I : Greetings

The teacher greet the whole class. Step II: Words preview:

Teacher lead the students preview some new words of this unit. Step III: Warming up

1. Warming up by guessing the riddles.

(1). I am very old now. I was born in China. Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they don’t like me now.

(2). I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching DVD, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because I’m small enough for you to take me with you.

(3). I am so small in size that I can fit in your hand. I usually have a small

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screen usually bigger than a digital phone, however smaller than the smallest laptop, I’m a great way to store telephone numbers, access the internet, make calculations, and so on.

(4). I am very small. I can be used for calculating. In China, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems.

(5). I am very big. Scientists use me to solve some mathematical problems.

(6). I’m a machine that works automatically.

I can do a wide variety of tasks, especially suitable for doing jobs too boring, difficult, or dangerous for human beings.

(7). I’m a small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user. I’m based on the microprocessor technology. At home, people use me to surf the Internet and play games.

( answers: 1. abacus, 2. laptop; 3. PDA; 4. calculator; 5. huge computer; 6. robot; 7. PC )

Teacher describes the things ,ask students try to guess,

2. Number the order of the abovr things according to the development of computers.

(abacus→culculator→huge computer→PC→laptop→PDA→robot ) Step IV: Discussion:

Students may be very familiar with the computer ,so let them discuss the following question with their group members.

Do you know in what ways computers are used today? Work out a list and compare it with your partner.

( Ater the discussion , ask some of the groups to talk about the usage of the computers before all the class in English.) Step V: Introduction of the Computer jargon

Teacher ask the students to share information about the Computer jargon they got before calss.

CPU - Another name for processor,

Data - Information stored on a computer, Disk - A place to store data, Email - Electronic mail, Load - Get data from a disk, Save - Put data on a disk,

RAM - Memory, the more the better,

USB - A method to plug computer tools into machine, WWW - World Wide Web, part of the Internet Step VI. Homework

1.Finish exercise of this period.

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2.Pre-view the text and underline the difficult points.

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