

完形填空 2019

二、完形填空(本题有15小题, 每小题1分; 共计15分)阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Have you ever eaten a dandelion(蒲公英)? Me neither. Have you ever blown it to make a wish? Me, too.

“Time to pick dandelions, Athena, \the car door and I entered with a 16 . My hometown is in Greece(希腊), where dandelions are

17 on the menu. But I didn’t eat dandelions. Why did I have to 18 them with my family every spring?

Then I said goodbye to my new friend Brigid, whose family had 19 moved in our neighborhood in New York. I was 20 Brigid didn’t ask where we were going. Nobody in America ate dandelions. I always worried that 21 would notice us picking dandelions.

We 22 into a wild field. Hundreds of lively yellow flowers appeared everywhere. Then we stopped our car. Dad went over to cut dandelions and put them in his bag. But I just hid in the book. \ 23 do we cat dandelions? \asked. \best food in the world. \answered, shaking a handful of greens. 24 we were ready to leave, we had enough dandelions. On the way home, Mum and Dad talked about hosting a dinner party for the new neighbors to try our 25 Greek food.

The night of the party, Brigid arrived with her parents. Mum served 26 different。Greek foods. Our guests ate everything. Finally came the dandelions. \too 27 . \ate the dandelions! \told her. We both 28 , and she ate another bite. \ 29 , \

Mum was smiling at us. After dinner. Brigid and I went to the backyard and lay on the grass. The stars reminded me of dandelions in the soft field. I closed my eyes and made a 30 : to be as open-minded as my family and my new friend. 16. A. bag

B. book

C. menu 1 / 9

D. flower


17. A. ever 18. A. pick 19. A. quickly 20. A. sad 21. A. anyone 22. A. ran 23. A. How 24. A. When 25. A. new 26. A. it 27. A. late 28. A. bowed 29. A. Be careful 30. A. wish

B. never B. plant B. quietly B. glad B. someone B. flew B. Why B. Since B. fast B. her B. early B. shook B. Never mind B. report

C. always C. watch C. finally C. proud C. everyone C. drove C. When C. Unless C. expensive C. him C. lucky C. laughed C. Not bad C. speech

D. hardly D. water D. recently D. disappointed D. no one D. walked D. Where D. Although D. traditional D. them D. quick D. greeted D. You’ re welcome D. Suggestion


【解答】(1)B考查名词.bag书包;book书;menu菜单;flower 花.根据下文\但是我只是低头看书.因此可知妈妈打开车门,我拿着一本书上车了.故选B.

(2)C考查副词.ever曾经;never从不;always总是;hardly 几乎不.根据语境可知,这句话的意思是\我的家乡在希腊,这里蒲公英总是在菜单上的.\(3)A考查动词.pick采摘;plant种植;watch观看;water浇水.根据上文\是采摘蒲公英的时候了,因此可知这句话的意思是\为什么我每年春天要和家人去采摘蒲公英呢?\故选A.

(4)D考查副词.quickly快地;quietly安静地;finally 最后;recently最近.根

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(5)B考查形容词.sad悲伤的;glad高兴的;proud自豪的;disappointed失望的.根据空格后面的词语是\.\因此可知这句话的意思是\我很高兴Brigid 没有问我去哪里.\故选B.

(6)B考查代词.anyone任何人;someone某个人;everyone每个人;no one没有人.根据上文\.\美国没有人吃蒲公英.因此可知这句话的意思是\我一直很担心会有某人注意到我们在采摘蒲公英.\故选B. (7)C考查动词.ran跑;flew 飞;drove开车;walked走.根据下文



(9)A考查疑问副词.When什么时候;Since自从…以来;Unless除非…;Although尽管.通过分析句子结构,这个句子要用when来引起这个分句,因此可知这句话的意思是\当我们准备好离开的时候,我们已经采了足够的蒲公英了.\故选A. (10)D考查形容词.new新的;fast快的;expensive昂贵的;traditional传统的.根据下文\因此可知这句话的意思是\父母在讨论举办一个晚餐聚会来让我们的新邻居尝尝我们的传统希腊食物.\故选D. (11)D考查代词.it它;her她;him他;them他们.根据上文


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(12)A考查副词.late晚的;early早的;lucky幸运的;quick快的.根据上文\.\根据语境可知,这句话的意思是\但是太晚了.\故选A. (13)C考查动词.bowed弯;shook摇动;laughed笑;greeted问候.根据下文\结合语境可知,这句话的意思是\我们都笑了.\故选C. (14)C考查情景交际.Be careful 小心;Never mind不要紧;Not bad不错;You're welcome你太客气了.根据上文\因此可知这句话的意思是\她说\还不错的\故选C.

(15)A考查名词.wish愿望;report报道;speech演讲;suggestion 建议.根据\因此可知这句话的意思是\我合上眼睛,许了一个愿.\故选A.




阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Band practice had just ended. Jimmy and Ben started packing up their 16 . Before Kevin could put his trumpet into the box, he 17 a music stand. It fell and hit right on his trumpet.

“Oh, no !” Kevin yelled.

Jimmy picked up the trumpet and checked it 18 before handing it to Kevin. “Well, it already has a lot of dents(凹痕).. One more won’t matter.”

“I know. But it’s my 19 ,\Kevin said. “And he’s coming over this weekend.”

“Maybe he won’t notice the dent,” Jimmy said. “Maybe he won't care,” Ben added,

A bunch of “ 20 ”ran through Kevin-s head on the bus home. Maybe he could pretend(假装) he felt sick.

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But he didn’t like 21 .

Maybe he could get his baby brother, Jace, to take all of Grandpa’s attention. Or maybe Grandpa wouldn’t ask him to play this time.

When 22 finally arrived, Kevin still hadn’t figured out what he was going to do. “Hey, Kev. How’re things?” Granclpa asked as he walked in.

“Good.” Kevin could have told him the 23 right then, but he froze. After dinner, Grandpa asked Kevin to play 24 classics—Ode to Joy and Oh, Susanna.

Any other time, Grandpa’s praise would have made Kevin feel great. But not this time. “I’m 26 about the dent,” he explained what had happened.

To Kevin’s surprise, Grandpa smiled, “Instruments become part of 27 when you play them a lot. You can’t always protect them. The 28 thing is that you told me.”

Grandpa pointed to the scratches opposite the dent Kevin had made. “I got these when I fell

over it 29 one night.”

“So I’m not the only clumsy(笨拙的) one in the family?” Kevin said.

Grandpa laughed, “Every dent and scratch can tell a story, and 30 you stick with it, someday you’ll have your own.”

Grandpa handed the trumpet back to Kevin. “Now tell me a story with music.” Kevin lifted the trumpet and filled the room with happy noise.

16. (A. crayons B. instruments C. balls D. collections 17. A. thought of B. looked for C. fixed up D. knocked into 18. A. carefully B.easily C. happily D. secretly 19. A. uncle’s B. father’s C. grandpa’s D. brother’s 20. A. maybes B. thanks C. regrets D. OKs 21. A. communicating B. sharing C. lying D. comparing 22. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday D. Saturday 23. A. truth B. excuse C. joke D. plan 24. A. one B. two C. three D. four 25. A. happier B. taller C. healthier D. better 26. A. excited B. sorry C. crazy D. strange 27. A. me B. him C. you D. her 28. A. important B. sad C. funny D. boring 29. A. as usual B. without doubt C. in time D. by accident 30. A.unless B.although C.if D. before

【分析】本文主要讲述了一则小故事,主人公小号被朋友磕了一下,本来他想不告诉爷爷,但是后来勇于承认了错误,得到了爷爷的肯定. 【解答】

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