





The story happened years ago, when my daughter was still little.

I was driving across the country with my daughter to 16 my husband. Since I intended to get to my destination before supper time, I drove 17 for a long time without a stop. Then after driving for many miles, I became tired and needed to stop for a break to get 18 .

I found a rest area. It was mostly deserted, in a quiet area of the highway. I parked the car and carried my 19 into the restroom. When I came out I saw a middle-aged 20 wandering around. Feeling 21 about that, I asked the lady. What 22 me was: they were waiting for us!

The lady told me that she and her husband wanted to see us safely back into our 23 . She explained that sometimes rest areas could be a 24 place for a young lady like me. She told me that she had a daughter almost my age, so they wanted to make sure that I got safely back on my way.

I was very touched by their 25 . Being young, and probably naive(单纯的) to the potential(潜在的) 26 of rest areas, it had never occurred to me that there was any possibility of something going wrong. I 27 them for their kindness. My daughter and I continued our journey and 28 our destination safely.

I never got their names but years have passed and their kindness is still not _29 . Sometimes angels come in make-up and just because you can’t see their _30 it doesn’t mean they aren’t angels.

16. A. desert B. stop C. join D. save 17. A. slowly B. quickly C. safely D. quietly

18. A. excited B. bored C. interested D. refreshed 19. A. daughter B. luggage C. license D. car 20. A. lady B. man C. couple D. angel

21. A. angry B. curious C. jealous D. terrible 22. A. surprised B. worried C. annoyed D. upset 23. A. room B. car C. area D. park

24. A. quiet B. noisy C. dangerous D. safe 25. A. devotion B. honesty C. bravery D. consideration 26. A. stops B. dangers C. mistakes D. changes 27. A. forgave B. asked C. thanked D. blamed 28. A. reached B. left C. missed D. passed

29. A. seen B. forgotten C. deserted D. recognized 30. A. kindness B. safety C. faces D. wings


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Pablo Picasso, born in 2018 in Spain, is the greatest western artist in the 20 century. At the age of 10 he was already __31__ excellent artist. He had his first ___32__ (exhibit) when he was 16. From 2018--2018 he painted a series of pictures ___33___ the main color was blue. These pictures showed poor, unhappy people and were known as Picasso’s “blue period”. From 2018--2018 Picasso painted much ___34___(happy) pictures in the color pink. This period was known as Picasso’s “pink period”. With __35___ Spanish artist called George Braque, Picasso started a movement called Cubism. His first Cubist paintings were all printed __36__ brown and grey. __37__ is agreed that Picasso’s greatest Cubist painting is Guernica, __38___ was painted in Madrid in





It was late, around 10 p.m. A young lady, named Thea, was waiting at the train station. She was waiting for the last train to arrive, when she heard her phone ring. It was her brother. The line was suddenly cut off when she answered, and the phone did not ring again. The lady waited for a call back, but her phone did not ring. She sat on the bench, holding her phone.

She was definitely uneasy. Her mother was very ill and was in hospital. She was looking around, looking for a phone loading station, but since it was already late, the stalls were already closed. She had no choice but to wait till the train came and wait till she got home.

A young lady in her late 20s approached her. She was very sincere. She asked what was wrong. Thea looked at the stranger’s eyes and said “nothing”. But the other lady was just so sincere and wanted to help.

She took out her cell phone from her shoulder bag and handed it to Thea. The helpful lady said, “Here’s my phone; it has extra loads; you can make a call.”

“Is it OK? ” asked Thea. “Yeah,” she said, looking directly into her eyes. Then Thea, in a very shy manner, slowly dialed a number and talked with someone on the phone. A smile was on her face. “Thank you so much; you took my worries away.” “You are welcome; I am glad that I can give you a hand. ”

In fact, kindness can be shared at any time in any place. 41. When the phone rang, Thea _______.

A. got on the bus B. planned to ask for help

C. hung up the call by accident D. was waiting for the train to go home.

42. What does the underlined word “uneasy” in the second paragraph probably mean? A. Puzzled B. Worried C. Excited D. Surprised

43. The other lady showed her sincerity(真诚) to Thea by _______. A. giving her some money B. coming over to ask for help

C. helping Thea to answer the phone D. insisting on lending her cell phone to Thea 44. Which of the following showed that Thea believed in the young lady? A. Asking “Is it OK” B. Saying “nothing”

C. Expressing her thanks D. Looking at the stranger’s eyes. 45. The purpose of writing this passage is to show_______. A. our phone must have extra loads

B. we should believe in people if we are in trouble

C. we can try to help people whenever and wherever possible D. we’d better give our phones to people if they need them.


Organic(有机的) foods are foods produced according to strict guidelines(准则) set forth by the

government. These guidelines state that organic foods must be produced without modern man-made processes(加工) and materials, such as man-made pesticides(杀虫剂) and chemical fertilizers(化肥).


For most of history, almost all foods were organic. However, during the 20 century, the principles(准则) of the Industrial Revolution(工业革命) were applied to agriculture. This led to the development of many man-made processes that were believed to improve farming techniques. In other words, small farms grew larger as the ideas that were used by factories and big business were put into action to grow more food.

Over time, the organic movement started to get back to the old, traditional methods of farming. Those in favor of organic foods believe that man-made chemicals and pesticides used in modern farming can be harmful to your health. They also believe that organic foods are more nutritious(营养的). If you go to the store, you will notice that organic foods may be more expensive than non-organic foods. Are organic foods worth the extra cost? Some people believe they are. Despite the lack of scientific findings to support their thoughts, many people still prefer organic foods because they think they taste better, while others don’t care much about that because they say they haven’t found out the differences.

If you wonder whether you should choose an organic food instead of a non-organic one, the best thing you can do is to try it by yourself and see which you prefer. Although organic foods were once only available in health food stores, you can find them today at most stores. 46. The author wrote the first paragraph in order to ______. A. advise people to live a healthy life B. tell us the meaning of organic foods C. explain the government’s guidelines D. show man-made pesticides are harmful

47. From the passage, we know that ________.

A. the principles of agriculture were once used in factories B. more farmers began to take up farming

C. lots of small farms disappeared one by one D. almost all foods were organic in the past

48. Many people like to eat organic foods probably because they think organic foods ______. A. are cheaper than others B. are sold by the government

C. do good to people’s health D. are easy to buy in every store

49. According to this passage, we’d better _______.

A. buy food in health food stores B. try to eat non-organic foods

C. eat both organic and non-organic foods D. make a choice depending on our preference 50. Where can we probably find this passage?

A. In a fashion magazines. B. In a guidebook to shopping.

C. In a textbook about medicine. D. On a website about healthy eating.


Many people influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, achievements, and values. I have been fortunate to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists who have inspired me by their talents and creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures. But of all the people I have known in my life, the person I admire most is my father.

As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy’s little girl”. While I grew up, it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children’s lives. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel, so I

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