


1、考试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分。满分120分,考试时间为90分钟。 2、答题前,必须在答题卷上填写班级、姓名、学号、试场号和座位号。

3、所有答案都必须做在答题卷标定的位置上,务必注意试题序号和答题序号相对应。 4、考试结束后,只需上交答题卷。 祝同学们取得成功!

I 听力部分(25分)

一、听短文对话回答问题:(共5小题,计5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. How often does the man go to his parents’ house?

A. Twice a week. B. Once a week. C. Once a month. 2. Why hasn’t the woman changed an apartment?

A. She hasn’t started to look for one. B. She hasn’t found a good one. C. She doesn’t want a small one. 3. What does the woman want to know?

A. Who saw Mary this morning.

B. When the man got to the office. C. If Mary has come this morning.

4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Beaches. B. Movies. C. Vacations. 5. Where do you think the talk takes place?

A. In the hospital. B. In the school. C. In the street.



听下面一段对对话,回答第6至第8三个小题。现在,你有10秒的时间阅读这三个小题。 6. What did the speakers plan to do this afternoon?

A. Watch a tennis match. B. Book a tennis court. C. Play tennis. 7. Why does the man want to cancel(取消) the appointment?


A. He is ill. B. It is rainy today. C. He has to attend a meeting.

8. When will the man call the woman again?

A. Next Monday. B. Tomorrow. C. This evening. 听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11三个小题,现在你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。 9. What are they talking about?

A. The girl’s MP3. B. The boy’s trouble. C. The computer. 10. What’s wrong with the MP3?

A. It’s broken. B. Parents took it. C. It’s missing. 11. Which is true?

A. Lucy moved the MP3.

B. Parents knew nothing about the party. C. The boy found the MP3 at last.



tightly 紧紧地 fist 拳头 MIGO MIGO RUN 一种咒语(变魔术时使用) 12. How long does the club class last?

A. 3 hours. B. half an hour. C. 60 minutes. 13. At last, how many eggs are there in the left bowl?

A. 0. B. 1. C. 3. 14. The fourth step is to __________.

A. turn the left bowl over B. pick up the last egg C. keep the eyes open. 15. What are you asked to do at the end of class? A. To join the club for free.

B. Try to find out the secret of the magic trick. C. To have a try.

Ⅱ 笔试部分(95分) 四.单项选择。(共15小题,计15分)

16. Many people lost their lives /______/ in this traffic accident because of drinking wine.


A. / la?vz / B. / la?fs / C./ livs / D. / livz/ 17. He has got a chair to sit _______, but nobody to talk _______. A. on; to B. /; with C. on; / D. /; to

18. Now planes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo ______ San Francisco.

A to B in C of D or

19. There is ________ “I” in the word spaghetti, “I” ______ pronounced as /I/. A an, is B an, am C a, is D a, am

20. You ________ serious. You're actually going to lend him some money again? A. needn’t be B. shouldn’t be C. can’t be D. mustn’t be 21. --Would you mind opening the window? --______. Look at the heavy haze(霾)outside. A. Yes, of course B. Not at all C. We'd better not D. No problem 22 --- Do you need any help, Lucy?

--- Yes. The job is _______ I could do myself.

A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than 23. New Year’s Day is coming. It is said that we’ll have ________ off. A. 5 days B. 5 days’ C. 5-day D. 5-day’s

24. Peter doesn't seem to __________ either of his parents, but his uncle, especially the big nose. A. take after B. take care C. look after D. look for

25. The girl ______ in red is my sister.

A. wears B. put on C. was D. dressed 26. Her husband is a great cook. So she can enjoy ________ food every day. A. tasting B. cooking C. tasty D. to cook

27. -- It is said that _________ students want to come to our school to study. -- Yes, but we all know that only ________ them can get the chance. A. thousands of, two hundred of B. thousands of, two hundred C. thousands of, two hundreds D. two thousands, two hundreds 28. My wife and I will stay here_______ our lives.

A. both B. all C. each D. every

29. The factory ___I am going to is the place ___my mother used to work many years ago. A. where, where B. where, which C. which, where D. which, which 30 –How far is it from your home to your school? --It’s a quarter’s walk, _______. A. here and there B. now and then C. up and down D. more or less

五. 完形填空(共15小题,计15分 )


I had just knocked on Mrs. Rosewood’s door when I 31 her laughter in the rain. The doors to the garden opened next to her little apartment and the 32 of laughter


had come from there.

“Ah, I 33 it just in time!” she said, smiling.

I waited for her to open the door and walked in after her. To my surprise, her living room walls were all covered with pictures of comedians.

“Can I ask you 34 you have these pictures here?”

“Isn’t it obvious (明显的)? I love to 35 ! Look here!”

The old lady opened a cupboard. I saw DVDs, dozens of them. 36 comedies. Only comedies.

“Is comedy a hobby of yours?” I asked.

“Not 37 ,” she said, “but a way of life, young man!” She smiled, and again I heard her laughter. The rain continued outside.

“The purpose of life is joy,” she said. “ 38 try to hold on to the sound of laughter in the rain. Life is so 39 , and for so many people it is like a 40 day all the time. They are not happy. 41 you should be happy, and show them the way. Be the laughter in the rain for 42 . Be as happy as you can – only then 43 spread happiness to 44 .”

I thought deeply about her words. Yes, the purpose of life is joy.

To honor Mrs. Rosewood’s life of bringing joy to the people around her, I will try to be the sound of laughter in the rain to others 45 .

31. A. saw B. heard C. smelt D. felt

32. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. shape 33. A. opened B. made C. turned on D. closed 34. A. when B. how C. why D. if

35. A. paint pictures B. read books C. watch TV D. laugh 36. A. All B. Some C. Few D. No 37. A. a comedy B. a hobby C. mine D. yours 38. A. Never B. Sometimes C. Only D. Always 39. A. special B. different C. hard D. easy 40. A. rainy B. sunny C. snowy D. windy 41. A. So B. However C. Although D. Unless 42. A. yourself B. us C. you D. them 43. A. you will B. you can C. have you D. can you 44. A. others B. the others C. else D. another 45. A. instead B. as well C. neither D. either




Long long ago a man went to India and he had never been there before. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit, but much of it was expensive because they could’t grow much because there was little water. Finally he saw a big basket of some very red and


long fruit. And it was the cheapest in the shop.

So he went up and asked,“How much each kilo?”and the shop keeper said,“Two rupees.”Two rupees in India was nothing. So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it. But after he ate some of it: oh, my god! His eyes watered, his mouth watered and burnt, and his face became red. He jumped up and down, saying,“Ah! Ah! Ah!”

But he still continued to eat the fruit! Some people who were looking at him shook their heads and said, “You’re crazy, man. Those are chilies(辣椒)! You can’t eat so many! People use them as a condiment, but only a little bit to put into food for taste. You can’t just eat them like that.” But the silly man said,“No, I can’t stop! I paid money for them, and now I’ll eat them up. It’s my money!”

And you think that man was silly, right? We sometimes do a lot of things like that. We spend money, time or effort doing something. And even though it’s been a long time, hard experience tells us it won’t work, and we know there’s no more hope, we still continue just because we’ve put money, time, effort and love in to it. Just like the man who ate the chilies and felt so bad but couldn’t stop because he didn’t want to waste the money he’d paid.

46. The man chose to buy the red and long fruit only because_____________. A. he hadn’t eaten it before. B. he was hungry

C. it was cheap D. he likes the color. 47. “his mouth watered” in Paragraph 2 showed that __________. A. the man is hungry B. The fruit is tasty.

C. He can’t stop enjoying it. D. The fruit is too hot. 48.The underlined word“condiment”in Paragraph3 probably means_______. A. 调料 B. 零食 C. 水果 D.蔬菜

49. Which of the following sentence is TRUE? A. The man went to India to buy fruit. B. The man didn’t want to waste money.

C. The man bought the fruit because it was nothing. D. India can grow a lot of fruit.

50. From the passage, we can learn that_________.

A. we shouldn’t waste money B. we shouldn’t eat chilies C. we shouldn’t buy something cheap D. letting something go is better than keeping on losing


Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.

I’ve seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways. One strict mother


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