


一 听力部分(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 第一部分:听对话回答问题(10分)


( )1 What does Peter like to read?

( ) 2.How will the man's family travel to Beijing?

( ) 3. What is the boy doing?

( ) 4.What is the boy going to do this Saturday?

( )5. Which picture are they talking about?

( ) 6. How much did the woman’s daughter pay for her coat? A. $100. B. $150. C. $200. ( ) 7. What does Susan think of her school life?

A. It’s lonely. B. It’s interesting. C. It’s boring.

( ) 8. What does the boy want to do?

A. Learn to use the CD-ROM. B. Teach the girl to use the CD-ROM.

C. Buy some CD-ROM

( )9. What are the speakers doing?

A. They’re climbing a mountain. B. They’re celebrating the man's birthday. C. They’re celebrating the woman's birthday.

( )10. Where are the speakers?

A. In a hospital. B. On a beach. C. In a street. 第二部分:听短文回答问题,短文读两遍。(5分) ( )11. Bob's favourite was _______. A singing B dancing C drawing

( )12.It was difficult for Bob to join the school dancing group because______. A. the school only had a girls' dancing group

B. the school didn't allow (允许) boys to dance

C. the group had enough dancers already

( )13. The school was worried that_______ if Bob stayed in the group.

A. nobody would watch their dance

B. other boys would join and the girls might leave

C. other schools would laugh at them

( )14. The judge (法官) thought the school's decision was_______. A. useful B. necessary C. wrong

( )15. We can infer (推断) that Bob felt______ when he went back to the group.

A. sad B. happy C. hungry

二 单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

( )1. - Is Central Park_______ largest city park in the USA?

- Yes. It is______ perfect place for people to rest after_____ hard day's work. A. a; the; a B. the; a; a C. a; a; the D. the; a; the ( ) 2. I know the city very well, for I _______ here since 1999.

A. will live B. am living C. was living D. have lived

( ) 3. The water there ________very dirty, but now it is very clean.

A. was used to be B. was used to being C. used to be D. used to being

( ) 4. Mother is unable to open the door because she _______ her key in her office.

A. forgot B. has forgotten C. left D. has left

( ) 5. When I walked past her room, I heard her _______ happily.

A. sing B. was singing C. singing D. sang

( ) 6. ---Where’s Mike? ---- He ______ the USA for a holiday.

A. has gone to B. went to C. has been to D. was going to

( ) 7.I knew nothing about the accident _______he told me. A. until B. when C. since D. if ( )8. When did your father _______ your mother?

A. marry B. marry to C. marry with D. get married

( )9. He has _______ for two years.. Two years _______ a long time.

A. left home, are B. left home , is

C. been away from home , is D. been away from home , are

( )10. Mary with her parents _______ to the UK. They ______ back in three weeks. A. have gone; will come B. has gone; will come

C. have been; come D. have been; have come ( )11. We _________ pay to get into the concert. It’s free.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. might not ( )12.----You have never been to Japan,_____? ---- I've only been to the UK.

A.have you;Yes,I have B.haven’t you;Yes,I haven’t C.have you;No,I haven’t D.haven’t you;NO,I have ( )13.---Mum's birthday is coming. What would you buy for her? ----I'm not sure. Anyway, I will find _______. A. enough good something

B something good enough

C. something enough good D. good something enough

( )14. The old man was_____ angry____ a word. He just stood there, looking at his son. A. enough; to say B. so; saying C. very; to say D. too; to say ( )15.--- do you the new film?

----It’s very interesting.

A.What;like B.How;think of C.What;think of D.How;is like 三 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a ___1__ building in the ___2__ London. There are eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He __3__ a lift(电梯) to go up and down. He works very hard. He __4_ to work early. Every day he leaves his ___5__ and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. It __6__him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to ___7__ bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from __8__ home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes __9_. He works in a factory about ten __10__ from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past five. ( )1. A. tall B. short C. small D. large ( )2. A. country B. town C. city D. village ( )3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends ( )4. A. begins B. wants C. runs D. goes ( )5. A. home B. building C. office D. room ( )6. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. brings ( )7. A. an B. a C. the D. / ( )8. A. his B. he C. him D. himself ( )9. A. by plane B. by train C. on foot D. by air ( )10.A. metres B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours

四 阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)



Windsor Castle(温莎城堡)is one of the most famous castles in the world.It lies in Windsor Town,32 kilometers west of London City ,by the south bank of the River Thames.People built the castle just outside of London to protect the capital of Britain.

Windsor Castle has a long and rich history.It began to be built in 1066.People rebuilt it again and again during every period in history to today’S dimensions(范围).For almost 1,000 years,the castle has been used as the family home of British kings and queens.It was also used as a prison(监狱)during the English Civil War.Today ,Windsor Castle is the private home of Queen Elizabeth II.She spends most of her private weekends there.

Although it is still a living place of the royal(皇家)family ,the public can visit much of the castle.It is one of the most popular sights in Britain.There,art lovers can enjoy some of the finest paintings by Rembrandt and Canaletto.Visitors can also take a look at George IV’s private apartments.They are some of the most beautiful rooms in the castle. ( )1.The famous Windsor Castle is .

A.near Windsor Town B.32 kilometers east of London City

C.in central London D.by the south bank of the River Thames ( )2.Now Windsor Castle is the private home of .

A.Rembrandt B.Canaletto C.Queen Elizabeth II D.George IV ( )3.The last paragraph is mainly about the of the castle.

A.history B.sights C.family D.culture


Everyone must go to bed early and get up early, or we won’t be healthy and clever.

Is this true? Maybe it is. The body must have enough sleep. Children of your age need ten hours’ sleep every day. If you don’t go to bed early, you won’t have enough sleep. Then you can’t think correctly and can’t do your work correctly. You’ll not be clever.

Some people go to bed late and get up late. This is not good for them. We must sleep at night when it is dark(黑暗的). The dark helps us to sleep well. When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. If you lack exercise, the body becomes weak. Exercise keeps a strong body.

Exercise helps the blood(血液)flow(流动) around inside the body. This is very important. Blood takes food to all parts of our body. The brain also needs blood. If we keep our body healthy and take exercise, we can think better.

( )4 . If we want to be healthy and clever, we must go to bed_______. A. late and get up early B. early and get up late C. early and get up early D. late and get up late ( )5. Children of your age need_______.

A. ten hours’ sleep B. nine hours’ sleep C. twelve hours’ sleep D. eleven hours’ sleep

( )6. The best time to sleep is when_______. A. daytime comes B. it is dark

C. we are taking exercise D. it is late afternoon


Amy was looking for a gift for her little daughter.Suddenly she stopped before a store of dolls.“Girls like dolls,”she thought as she stepped into it.Looking around,she saw a grandma doll…one with gray hair and a pair of glasses.In her mind appeared Joyce,her mother.

When Amy was a little girl,she got her first doll from Joyce for her birthday.Then the second,the third...A doll a year never arrived late.

“Why always a doll?”This question had been in Amy’s mind until one day her father gave the answer.

Little Joyce dreamed to have a doll.Her parents promised(答应)one for her fifth birthday.Sadly ,they both died in a traffic accident before it arrived.The never-received gift was the most precious(珍贵的)in her eyes.

Her mother’s story being recalled,Amy got an idea.

It was Joyce’s birthday.A package(包裹)was sent to her with a card that read: Dear Joyce ,

I forget to send you the package that you should have received on May 20,1 956,your fifth birthday.The gift inside has aged ,but I thought that you might still wish to have it。

Love ,Angel of Joy

Joyce opened the package and saw a lovely grandma doll.She clasped the doll that she had waited so many years for ,crying softly.The doll given by“Angel of Joy”,made her the happiest“child”in the world.

( )7.Why did Joyce think dolls were the best birthday gifts for Amy? A.Amy dreamed to have all kinds of lovely dolls. B.Amy Iooked like a doll when she was a little girl. C.Joyce received a lot of lovely dolls from her parents. D.Joyce had never got the dream doll from her parents.

( )8.Who sent a grandma doll to Joyce indeed(真正的)on her birthday?

A.Amy. B.Angel of Joy. C.Joyce’s parents. D.Amy’s daughter. ( )9.The underlined word“clasped”means“ ”in the passage.

A.held B.threw C.made D.bought ( )10.What can we learn from the story? A.Dolls are every little girl’s dream toys. B.Grandma dolls are best gifts for parents. C.Parents sometimes need their“Angel of Joy”.

D.Parents’birthdays are very important.

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