
本科机械毕业设计论文CAD图纸 QQ 401339828

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本科机械毕业设计论文CAD图纸 QQ 401339828


本科机械毕业设计论文CAD图纸 QQ 401339828


Machining Center is installed in a card, to achieve automatic milling, drilling, boring, Reaming, Tapping and other processes of CNC machine tools. A more explicit statement of Machining Center is the automatic tool change CNC milling machines. This brings the processing center and automatic tool change CNC lathe and turning centers to distinguish. Machining Center is different from other CNC milling machines to the main features is that it has under the technological requirements for automatic tool change function, Automatic Tool Change (ATC) function.

Machining Center, ATC system is usually a knife and the composition manipulator, it is a symbol of the processing center. Machining Center is the key to success. Therefore the processing center manufacturers are vigorously developing the next moves quickly, high reliability, ATC, to the fierce competition to achieve good results。It is precisely because of automatic tool change is the core processing center, the manufacturers are confidential, rarely disclose the information In particular, some manipulator so start anew.

Add to the automatic tool change form, it can be divided into a manipulator tool change and free manipulator ATC way. ATC machining centers, most using a manipulator tool change, because it is more time-saving.

Due to hydraulic-driven manipulators need strict sealed need more complex buffer, manipulator control of the solenoid valve moves have a certain amount of time constants, because slower speed up the pace. In recent years, domestic and foreign has developed a cam linkage arm-grasping manipulator. This manipulator from the advantages of motor-driven, not more complex hydraulic system and its sealed buffer, no leakage, simple, reliable. Meanwhile, the manipulator arm and rotary knife inserted, the decomposition Everyone moves are linked, and some may overlap time, thus greatly reducing the time ATC。

KeyWords:Manipulator; Machining Center; Automatic tool change


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