Collocation: Practice 1
sky-high competitive food tight
tremendous temporary
Collocation: Practice 2
energy demand unlimited supply energy crisis sky-high price tight supply
temporary security massive shortages linear increase energy consumption
environmentally friendly viable alternatives tremendous need
Unit 8
Text A
Text A: Language focus: Words in use
stalked expectancy terminate condolences chronicling malpractice retrospective boycott incur batches
Text A: Language focus: Word building:breakage drainage bribery refinery
constitutional exceptional institutional oriental
Practice 1
sensation tutorial
presidential provincial
Text A: Language focus: Word building: Practice 2
provincial breakage
institutional bribery sensations drainage tutorial refineries oriental
constitutional presidential exceptional
Text A: Language focus: Banked cloze
depressing figure
flexibility seemingly sued imagine sparked suffering leaflets passionate
Text A: Language focus: Expressions in use
stay on the sidelines (1)alerted (2) to turned up lay siege to followed suit In the face of put out
get revenge for
Text AiTranslation: Task 1
退学之后挣个一两百万己经成为了年轻创业者的标签。人 们感到很惊讶,退学之后成为富翁的人数是如此之多。史 蒂夫?乔布斯仅在里德学院上了一个学期就退学,之后成 为了美国最有影响力的企业家之一;比尔?盖茨退学之后 创立了自己的软件公司,并成为微软的首席执行官;马克 ?扎克伯格从哈佛大学退学,专心致力于自己的项目,创 立了脸书公司。确实,这些亿万富翁都在高等教育阶段退 学,而且赚了很多钱,但他们是例外,并非常规。需要注 意的是退学并
才是他们成功的秘诀。因此,上学并获得学位是非常重要 的。当然了,除非你有能够改变一个行业的绝妙想法,并 且即使没有学位就拥有所需要的技能,那样的话,就大胆 地退学创业吧。而事实是,很多退学的人都不如那些拥有 学位的人成功。
Text A:Translation: Task 2
In recent years, the social development and chan