

毕 业 论 文(设 计)

2015 届 数学与应用数学 专业 1111061 班级

题 目 二元函数的极值及其应用 姓 名 XXX 学号 XXXXXXX 指导教师 XXX 职称 XXX

二О一 五 年 四 月 三十 日

内 容 摘 要


关 键 词

二元函数 ;无条件极值 ;条件极值 ;判定; 应用

the Extreme Value of Binary Function and Its




Dual function theory is the foundation of other disciplines, including extreme value is an important content in function, the extreme value also has a lot of research methods, and the function extreme value theory has a lot in life has practical significance. Both in scientific research, and in the logistics, the actual planning engineering, often need to solve how to make the investment to maximum output, output the most, the highest efficiency optimization.The actual problem can be transformed into a math problem research capabilities, And then into the function of the maximum and minimum value problem to solve. Is first of all, the paper proposes the research background and practical significance of binary function, then give the unconditional extreme value of binary function theory, the conditions of binary function extreme value theory, extreme value of binary function determination, as well as the extreme value of binary function theory application, for example. Illustrated by an example of extreme value problem, using the knowledge in solving the important application of binary function extremum problems.

Key words

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