
课题: Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?

Section A 第一课时

备课人: __________ 审核人: 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】 1、 Remember new words. 2、 Read the text and act out the dialog. 3、 How to transform the traffic tools. 【知识链接】 1、I usually come to school (步行). 2、Jim usually comes to school (坐公共汽车). 3、Do you always come home (骑自行车)? 【预习达标】 1、 A:Happy New Year! B: . 2、Your bike (看起来)very nice! 3、How do you (通常)come to school? 4、I come to school (坐地铁). 5、It’s time (到上课的时间了). 【学习流程】 ? 自学指导 Step 1、Act out the dialog. Step 2、英汉互译 1、 新年快乐 4、Come on! 2、 坐地铁 5、by train 3、 坐船 6、on foot Step 3、用所给词的适当形式填空 1、I usually (come)to school by bus. 2、Jane usually (come)to school by bike. 3、Does Michael often (come)to school on foot? 4、Helen always (come)to school by subway. 5、Kangkang (go)to school on foot. 6、How does Jane usually (come)to school? 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏

? 合作探究 1、Jane (go)to school (坐地铁). 2、Michael (come)home (坐公交). 3、Helen (go)home (步行). 4、Kangkang (go)shopping (骑自行车). 5、I (go)for a picnic (坐船) ? 展示提升 Step 1、Make a similar dialog as 1a. Step 2、Act out the dialog group by group. Step 3、The teacher corrects their mistakes if needed. 【盘点收获】 1、 我记住并能灵活运用的新单词有 。 2、 我能够正确恰当地运用所学句型和短语,询问和回答乘坐什么交通工具去做什么事情。 3、 同学之间,师生之间及亲友之间要礼貌问候。 【当堂检测,点击中考】 Step 1: 1、I usually go to school (骑自行车). 2、A: do you often go to school? B: By bus. 3、She (go)home by bike. 4、The students usually drive to the park on Sundays. But today they go to the park_____ . A. on feet B. on foot C. by foot D. on the foot 5、It’s time to . A. breakfast B. have breakfast C. has breakfast D. for breakfast Step 2:英汉互译 1、 on foot 6、回家 2、 by ship 7、去上学 3、 by plane 8、骑自行车 4、 by car 9、加油! 5、 by bus 10、新年好! 【点评检测结果】(随机点评,查漏补缺,发现问题及时解决。)

课题: Unit 5 Our School Life

Topic 1 How do you usually come to school?

Section B 第二课时

备课人: __________ 审核人: 班级: 学生: 【学习目标】 1、 Master the new words. 2、 Read and act the dialog. 3、 Learn another way to show how to transform the traffic tools. 【知识链接】 1、Jane usually (go)to school (坐公交). 2、Michael (come)to school (步行). 3、I usually (go)shopping (骑自行车). 4、Does Helen often (go)to school (坐小汽车)? 【预习达标】 1、 T: What time do you usually get up? S1: I usually get up . T: How do you usually come to school? S1: I usually come to school . 2、 同义词组转换 ① go home by bike ② come to school by bus ③ go to park on foot ④ go shopping by subway 【学习流程】 ? 自学指导 Step 1、Read and act out the dialog. Step 2、英汉互译 ① take the subway ② ride a bike ③ take a bus ④ 有时候 ⑤ 很少 教师复备栏/学生笔记栏

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