
课题:2B Unit1 Where’s Kitty? 教学设计: Story time (Period 1) 授课时间 二次备课 一、教学目标 Learning objectives: 1. Read and know the new words: on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. 2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 二、教学重难点: 重点:Important points: 1. Read and know the new words: on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. 2. Read and know the new sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 难点:Difficulties: Read and know the new sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 三、教学时间: 1 课时 四、学情分析:Analysis of the students: Students may have difficulties in pronunciations of the new words; I should concern about their needs and pay more attention to them. 五、教学准备:Preparations: PPT cards 六、教学方法: Teaching methods: Interesting stimulating method Task-based teaching method 七、教学过程: Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming up 1.Greetings. T:Good morning, boys and girls. Ss:Good morning, Miss Lu. T: Let’s sing a song: On in under Step 2. Presentation(1) 1. Show a picture of on/ in/ under/ behind. T: Do you like the song “on in under”? How many prepositions can you hear? 2. Look and say: ①Look, What’s this? Ss: It’s a cat. T: Where’s the cat? Teach: where(Use different ways to drill) T: It’s on the box. Teach: on(Use different ways to drill) ②Now, look and guess, Where’s the cat? Ss: It’s in the box. Teach: in(Use different ways to drill) ③Pair work: A: Where’s the cat? B: It’s in/ on the box. ④Teach: under=un+der behind=be+hi+nd (Use different ways to drill) ⑤T: The cat is playing hide and seek with you. Can you guess where is it now? Teach: sofa=so+fa vase=va+se basket=ba+sk+et (Use different ways to drill) Step3. Presentation(2) Story time 1.Watch and answer: Where’s the cat? 2.Read and answer: ①Is the cat on the sofa? ②Is it under the table? ③Is it behind the vase? Teach: Is it on/ in/ under/ behind the…? It isn’t on/ in/ under/ behind the… (Use different ways to drill) 3. Listen and imitate Read together/ in groups/ in pairs. 4. Act it out Step4. Consolidation 1. Magic eyes To review the new words and sentences. 2. Introduce your pet’s prepositions. Look, this is my pet Kitty. It’s a cat. It’s on/ in/ under/ behind the… 3. Let’s talk. 八、作业设计: Homework: 1. Read Story time after the tape 2. Copy and recite the new words 九、板书设计 Unit 1 Where’s Kitty? Where’s…? It’s on/ in/ under/ behind the … 教学评价: 课题:2B Unit1 Where’s Kitty? 教学设计: 一、教学目标 Learning objectives: Fun time (Period 2) 授课时间 二次备课 1. Understand and use the key words: on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. 2. Understand and use the sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 3. Apply the sentence patterns to similar situations. 二、教学重难点: 重点:Important points: Ss can understand and use the key words: on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. Ss can understand and use the sentence pattern: Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…? 难点:Difficulties: Ss can apply the sentence patterns to similar situations. 三、教学时间: 1 课时 四、学情分析:Analysis of the students: Some students may have difficulties in sentence patterns, the teacher need to focus on the key points and create more real situations for students to practice. 五、教学准备:Preparations: PPT, cards 六、教学方法: Teaching methods: Situational teaching method Task-based teaching method 七、教学过程: Teaching procedures: Step1 Warming up: T: Class begins. Ss: Stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Lu. T: Sit down, please. Enjoy the song: on in under Step2 Revision: 1. Magic eyes (on, under, behind, in, sofa, vase, basket, where. Where’s…? It’s in/ on/under/ behind the…Is it…?) 2. Let’s chant

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