
② By drinking soup. ③ By playing basketball. ④ By eating fruit and vegetables.

A. ①②③ B. ①③④ C. ②③④ D. ①②④ 89. What can we do if we don't like plain water?

A. Put some tea into the water. B. Add some ice cream to the water. C. Add some sugar to the water.

D. Put a little 100% fruit juice into the water. 90. What's the best title for the passage?

A. My Favourite Drink B. Cola or Water C. Cola Is Bad for Us D. Why Is Water Important 六. 阅读与表达 (判断式 )(共 5 小题;共 10 分) The Maine School LIBRARY


9:00-17:00 9:00-17:00 9:00-20:00 9:00-17:00

8:00-15:00 9:00-12:00 CLOSED


All students must have a library card. Computers are for schoolwork only. No food or drink in the library. No running in the library.

Don't be noisy(吵闹的) in the library. Students can borrow 3 books at one time. 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为

T,错误的为 F。

91. The library opens at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday. 92. You can use the library on Saturday afternoon. 93. You need a library card to go into the library. 94. You can play on computers in the library. 95. You can only borrow one book at one time. 七. 补全对话 (选择)(共 5 小题;共 10 分) A: Hey, Jane. 96. B: They are hamburgers. A: 97.

B: Yes, I like them for lunch. 98. A: I like eggs and tomatoes. B: 99. A: At school.

B: Let's play ping-pong after school.

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A: 100.

A. Oh, where do you have lunch? B. What do you like for lunch? C. That sounds good. D. When do you have supper? E. Do you like hamburgers? F. What are they?

G. What do you have for breakfast? 参考答案 一. 单项选择

1. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. C 二. 单词拼写 (单句首字母填空 )

21. busy 22. February 23. term 24. January 25. September 26. fifth 27. November 28. third 29. July 30. festival 31. October 32. December 33. Twelfth 34. twentieth 35. first 36. busier 37. February 38. term 39. January 40. September 三. 单词拼写 (根据中文提示拼写单词 )

41. February 42. October 43. ninth 44. Festival 45. term 46. September 47. twelfth 48. trip 49. second 50. eighth 51. third 52. August 53. November 54. December 55. twentieth 56. February 57. October 58. ninth 59. festival 60. term 四. 完形填空

61. B 62. C 63. A 64. D 65. A 66. D 67. D 68. C 69. B 70. A 五. 阅读理解

71. B 72. C 73. B 74. B 75. D 76. D 77. D 78. A 79. C 80. B 81. B 82. B 83. C 84. D 85. C 86. C 87. B 88. D 89. D 90. B 六. 阅读与表达 (判断式 ) 91. F 92. F 93. T 94. F 95. F 七. 补全对话 (选择)

96. F 97. E 98. B 99. A 100. C

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