
Vocabulary Unit5 1.

1) In a way I prefer shopping online because it is more convenient and saves time. 译文:在某种程度上,我更喜欢网上购物,因为它更加方便而且节省时间。 注释:In a way意为“在某一方面,在某种意义上,在某种程度上”。

2) The success of mechanics in discovering reliable and useful laws of nature suggested to Galileo that all nature is designed in accordance with mechanical laws. 译文:力学中一些可信的有用的自然定律的成功发现启发了伽利略:整个自然与力学定律是协调一致的。 注释:in accordance with 意为“与…一致;依照。”

3) A(n) vacancy exists for a sales manager at our Paris office. If you’re interested in it ,please send us an application letter and your resume at once.

译文:在我们巴黎办事处有一个销售经理的职位空缺。如果你有兴趣请即刻给我们一份求职信和简历。 4) If you are over 18 and in good condition, it’s completely safe to do the job. 译文:如果你超过了18岁而且身体状况很好,那么做这份工作就很安全。

5) Plastics can be made hard as stone, strong as steel, transparent as glass, and light as wood.

译文:塑料能够被制造得像石头那样坚硬,像钢铁那样坚固,像玻璃那样透明,像木头那样轻。 6) Coat the shoes with polish(擦亮剂),then rub hard with a soft cloth to give a shine. 译文:把鞋油涂到鞋上,然后用软布用力摩擦使鞋发亮。

7)It was probably just a spicy joke to them, but it wasn’t funny to me at all.

译文:对他们而言,那可能只是一个粗俗的笑话,但对我而言,那笑话一点儿也不好玩。 注释:spicy 在此意为“下流的,粗俗的”。

8)Michael’s praise for my wife opened my eyes and taught me to show gratitude for her day-to-day heroism(英雄主义),which I had hitherto taken for granted.



9)The waitress did bring us clean plates eventually, but with (a) bad grace. 译文:那个女侍者最后的确给我们拿来了干净的盘子,但是很不情愿。 注释:with (a) bad grace 意为“勉强地,不情愿地”

10)Some scientists believe that human beings are born with a(n) instinct for using their arms and legs to stay afloat(漂浮着),which, however, disappears within a few months after birth.


11)In order to pay the bills, Linda pawned her grandfather’s gold watch in secret. 译文:为了付账,琳达偷偷当掉了祖父的金表。


12)Fish instinctively fight their way upstream against the current, and many water birds and animals have the ability to travel long distances.

译文:鱼本能地逆流而上,而且许多水禽和水上动物都有远距离的迁徙能力。 注释:current此处为名词,意为“水流” 2.

1)Allan and his girlfriend arranged to meet at the park at 1:30, but somehow he never turned up.(turn) 译文:艾伦和他女朋友计划好一点半在公园见面,但不知怎么的,他始终没露面

注释:turn up 意为“出现,来临,露面”

2)Unless something urgent demands her attention, Mary will stick to her study schedule that includes breaks every two hours. She thinks that trying to study when you are overtired isn’t smart.(stick)


3)I happened to see him in Boston and we talked about our time together in school and it really brought back some fond memories.(bring)

译文:我碰巧在波士顿遇到他,于是我们谈论着我们一起在学校的时光,这的确带来了一些甜蜜的回忆 4)In the present financial crisis,many college graduates feel unsure how to go about looking for a job.(go) 译文:处在金融危机之际,许多大学毕业生不能确定怎样着手找到一份工作 注释:go about doing sth.意为“着手做某事”

5)The speaker kept on talking for about an hour, but I just didn’t understand what he was driving at.(drive) 译文:这位发言者连续讲了约一个小时,但是我就是不能理解他讲的是什么 注释:drive at 意为“意指,用意所在”

6)Granny folded up the towels and put them away in the cupboard.(put) 译文:奶奶把毛巾叠起来放进衣柜里 注释:put away 意为“放好,储备…备用”

7)Even when she didn’t say anything you could see her turning things over in her mind.(turn) 译文:即使她什么都没说,你也能注意到她正在反复思考这些事情 注释:turn over 意为“反复思考,考虑”

8)The statement took him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words.(take) 译文:这番话让他大吃一惊,以至于有一阵子他不知该说什么好 注释:take sb. Aback意为“使某人大吃一惊” Unit6 1.

1) To stimulate consumption, farmers now can buy household appliances with government subsidy. 译文:为了刺激消费,农民可以通过政府补贴来购买家用电器。

2)Conventional medicine has concentrated mainly on the treatment of chronic and acute illness,and until recent years the role of preventive() medicine has suffered comparative neglect.


3)Cost apart, you should remember that however fancy a fridge is ,it doesn’t kill bacteria (); it only shows down the rate at which they multiply. 译文:除去费用,你应该记住,不管电冰箱有多别致,它也不能够杀灭细菌,它只能降低细菌的繁殖速度。 4)The economic planner are seeking to achieve a fairer distribution of wealth throughout society, but it’s easier said than done, I think.

译文:经济规划师正设法在全社会实现更为公平的财富分配,但我认为这说起来容易做起来难。 注释:seek to do…意为“设法做…”,相当于 try to do…;distribution 意为“分配”

5)The town has been producing wool, cloth, and blankets since the 13th century and much of its prosperity today is still founded on those industries.


6)I’ve heard of a company that provides guidance and help so that you can decorate your house to your own



注释:decorate 意为“装饰,装修”。此句中第一个that引导定语从句,修饰先行词a company。 So that 引导目的状语从句

7)To prevent widespread famine, the UN report calls for a joint effort to develop new high-yielding crops adapted to hotter climates and drier soils.

译文:为了避免大范围的饥荒,联合国报告要求联合开发与较热气候及较干燥土壤相适应的新的高产作物。 8)Carrying large quantities of /a large quantity of cash could be dangerous and inconvenient. why not use a credit card?


注释:large quantities of/ a large quantity of 意为“大量的”,后即可接可数名词复数形式,亦可接不可数名词。Carrying 引导的现在分词短语作主语。

9)The World Bank decided to grant Hungary a loan of 66 million dollars to streamline its fragile financial system.

译文:世界银行决定拨给匈牙利66000千万美元的贷款以精简其脆弱的财政体制使其更有效率 注释:streamline在此为动词,意为“使有效率”

10)I’ll send you a fax with detailed information about the proposed project. 译文:我将发给你关于被提议项目的详细信息的传真

注释:fax意为“传真”;在此句中with的复合结构作后置定语,修饰fax,意为“带有,含有…的” 11)It was Deng Xiaoping who pointed the way to our opening-up policy and fundamental economic reforms. 译文:是邓小平为我们指明了开放政策和根本的经济改革之路

注释:此句为强调句,基本句型:it was+被强调部分+who+谓语; the way to 意为“通往…之路” 12)Mayor Lewes was taken aback and utterly bewildered by the unexpected question put to him by a reporter一”Are you a liar ,sir?”

译文:一个记者问到:“您是一个骗子么,先生?”刘易斯市长被这一出乎意料的提问惊得目瞪口呆,手足无措。 2.

1)Experts say profits could halve(减半) over the next year as the other supermarket chains eat into Gateway’s market share.(eat)


2)Unlike native Americans in many other parts of the country,where customs have gone through tremendous changes, the Eskimos in Alaska still cling to their old traditions.(cling)


注释:cling to 意为“坚守”;此句中where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰其前的in many other parts of the country.

3)Those pale blue flowers stand out /stood out like jewels against the dark,bare soil.(stand ) 译文:在黑黝黝光秃秃的土壤的映衬下,那些浅蓝色的花像珠宝一样醒目。 注释:stand out 意为“明显,醒目”

4)Mont Blanc(白朗峰) exists, and it will go on existing until it wears away or an earthquake knocks it over.(wear)

译文:白朗峰存在着,并且它将继续存在,直到它被腐蚀或被地震击倒。 注释:wear away意为“磨损,磨灭”;knock…over 意为“将…打倒,撞倒” 5)It would be far better to admit the problem openly and set about tacking it.(set) 译文:更好的办法是公开承认问题并且着手解决它

6)The usher showed us to our seats, and there was just enough time for Denise to switch off her cell-phone before the curtain went up.(switch)

译文:引座员带我们到座位上,丹尼斯刚关上她的手机,幕布就拉起来了 注释:switch off 意为“切断/关上(电源)”

7)Tonight Euro Disneyland will open its doors and 15000 adult guests form around the world will be turned loose for two days in the vast theme park.(turn) 译文:今晚欧洲迪斯尼乐园将会敞开它的大门,在接下来的两天中来自全世界15000名的成年宾客将会在这巨大的主题公园黎彻底放松自己

8)Letters have poured in congratulating her on her success in setting a new world record for the women’s 5000 meters.(pour)

译文:信件蜂拥而至,纷纷祝贺她在女子5000米比赛中成功地创造了新的世界纪录。 注释:pour in 意为“大量涌入,蜂拥而至” Unit7 1.

1)My mom, as moms tend to do,had divined my state of mind rather shrewdly and moved over to the bed in a thoughtful kind of way.

译文:正如所有妈妈那样,我妈妈很敏锐地察觉了我的思想状态,很体贴地走到我床边 2)The accident damaged the nerves controlling his arm movements. 译文:这场事故损害了他的控制胳膊活动的神经

3)In an expression of solidarity, the workers registered their support for the new leaders and pledged loyalty to the trade union.


4)The Arlington National Cemetery is a sacred place for Americans,who come here to mourn those who gave their lives in the service of the nation.


5)The pills are coated in sugar and easy for children to swallow. 译文:这些药丸表面裹以糖衣,便于孩子服用

注释:coat意为“涂在…上,覆盖…的表面”,常构成搭配 coat sth. with /in sth.

6)Despite the contempt expressed in the past for the American principle of “publish or perish”, British universities are more and more looking at volume of publication as a sign of virtue.


7)A hundred and twenty people have been killed after terrorists exploded a bomb in the cockpit of a plane they were trying to hijack. 译文:恐怖分子在他们劫持的飞机驾驶舱内引爆了炸弹,120人丧生。 注释:hijack意为“劫持(飞机等交通工具)”

8)She stood there motionless, her eyes filled with tears--whether of shame,frustration, or grief it was difficult to tell.


9)Tom told me on the phone that he is to be transferred to New York and invited us all to his farewell party. 译文:汤姆在电话里告诉我他将被调往纽约,并邀请我们所有人去参加他的告别宴会

10)Should we take revenge on those who have betrayed us? I think we’d better forgive but not forget.

译文:我们应该报复那些背叛了我们的人么?我认为我们最好原谅,但不忘记 注释:take revenge on...意为“向…进行报复”

11)The Earth revolves around the Sun and also revolves on its axis. 译文:地球绕着太阳公转,并且绕着地轴自转

12)The spokesman denounced the charge as “completely irresponsible”,adding:”there is absolutely noting to the allegations.”

译文:发言人谴责这项指控“完全不负责任”,并且补充说:“这绝对没有什么可以辩解的” 2.

1)You can drop me off at the railway station. I can jump on a bus there and get home.(drop ) 译文:你可以顺便载我到火车站。在哪儿我能搭公交车回家。 注释:drop...off意为“让…下车,中途顺便将…送至某处”

2)Mark did not get the scholarship he applied for and is now working as a delivery boy for a flower shop.(apply ) 译文:迈克没有申请到奖学金,他现在在一家花店做快递员 3)Julie sat up reading every night until all lights went off in the dorm.(go ) 译文:朱莉每天晚上熬夜读书直到宿舍所有的灯都熄灭

4)According to the latest report ,the Socialists are gaining on the Conservatives in the opinion polls.(gain) 译文:根据最新的报告,社会党在民意测验中直逼保守党 注释:gain on意为“逼近,接近”

5)He also claimed everyone in the auto industry was looking for new materials to bring down the weight of vehicles.(gain )


6)A driving curtain of rain blotted out everything other than the big tree nearest the house.(blot) 译文:一场暴雨冲走了离房屋最近的所有东西,除了一棵大树 注释:other than 意为“除…之外”

7)When I think back on those days I was in school, I wonder if all the homework of today’s kids is at all necessary.(think)

译文:当我们回想起在学校的那些日子,我怀疑当今孩子们所有的作业是否都有必要 注释:think back on意为“回想起”

8)The snapshot of Susan picking nervously at her skirt captured her embarrassment at having made a fool of herself.(pick)

译文:苏珊紧揪着裙角的这张照片抓拍到了她闹笑话时的尴尬 注释:make a fool of oneself 意为“闹笑话,丢丑,使自己成为笑柄” Unit8 1

1)science is built up with facts ,as a house is with stones. But a collection of facts without proper analysis is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house. 译文:科学是建立在事实的基础上的,正如房屋是用石头盖起来的。但是正如一堆石头不是房屋那样,一些缺乏恰当分析的事实的积累也不是科学。

2)No matter how I tried ,I could not remove the paint that was smeared over my car 译文:无论怎么尝试,我都无法除掉涂在车上的油漆。

3)How can one’s heart not be warmed by the sight of so many young people waiting in line to donate blood? 译文:看到如此多的年轻人排队等候献血,一个人的心怎么能不被温暖

注释:warm此处用作动词,意为“使温暖,使感动”,此句中waiting...作补语,补充说明so many young people 4)Empires dissolve and peoples disappear, but a good song never passes away.

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