
Unit 2 单元测试题

Written test part (共95分)

Ⅴ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分)


( ) 21. There was something wrong with his car and he repaired it ______ himself.

A. on B. to C. by D. with

( ) 22. The use of computers makes ______ possible for more people to work at


A. it B. that C. this D. one

( ) 23. After I was angry with her, I had a(n) ______ feeling that she was not coming


A. popular B. strong C. ill D. wonderful

( ) 24. Liu Jing volunteers her weekend ______ people in trouble.

A. to help B. help C. helping D. helped

( ) 25. I used to ______ letters to my parents, but now I am used to ______ Wechat.

A. write; use B. writing; using C. writing; use D. write; using

( ) 26. I love my job, so for me job ______ is more important than money.

A. discussion B. satisfaction C. preparation D. prediction

( ) 27. Tian Fang isn’t a ______ nurse, so now she is receiving a week’s ______ in a


A. trained; train B. training; training C. training; train D. trained; training

( ) 28. My clock doesn’t work. I’m going to ______.

A. fix it up B. fix up it C. cheer it up D. cheer up it

( ) 29. Teachers usually ______ the papers ten minutes before the exam.

A. try out B. bring out C. give out D. find out

( ) 30. The tourist from London could hardly ______ living in such a poor village.

A. imagine B. wonder C. promise D. agree

( ) 31. Li Gang will have a housewarming party. He expects his friends ______ on


A. to arrive B. to arriving C. arrive D. arrived

( ) 32. She gets ______ now because all her kids have left home.

A. friendly B. lonely C. successful D. understanding

( ) 33. She is having a toothache, but she keeps putting off ______ to the hospital.

A. going B. go C. to go D. to going

( ) 34. —Excuse me, I’m new here. I can’t find my hotel.


A. You could ask the policeman for help B. You shouldn’t live in that hotel C. You must stay with me D. You needn’t call your friend

( ) 35. —You shouldn’t leave a baby alone in the house.

—______ I won’t do it again.

A. Really? B. You’re right. C. Why? D. Sounds great.

Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Dear Deborah,

Thanks to you, we are able to have a comfortable “home” for our children to live and learn in this year. Last Monday, Michael and his sister, Janet, celebrated Michael’s 9th birthday 36 cake and cards in the nice place. There was a look of joy on their lovely 37 .

Thank you for your kind gift of $1,000 to Children’s Residential Services of Greater Boston. For the homeless children like Michael and Janet in our center, your kindness makes a 38 to them. With your help, we’ll buy new computers for our children in a day or two. The children can’t 39 to use the computers to do their homework and talk with their friends!

The computers are part of our Excellence in Service Campaign that will make our “home” even 40 for Michael, Janet and their new friends.

We would love you to visit our “home”, 41 you can meet our children. We love to show you around our “home”, and the children enjoy 42 visitors. One or two might even show you 43 they can do with their new computers. Janet Teebs, our development director (负责人), is always 44 to set up a visit for you, or to answer any question you may have. Please 45 her at 520-446-0912, or e-mail her at janetteebs@CRS.com.

Again, thank you for all you did for our children. You are a part of their lives too.

Sincerely, Malcolm Wexter Executive Director

( ) 36. A. for B. on C. about D. with ( ) 37. A. eyes B. faces C. hearts D. mouths ( ) 38. A. decision B. message C. difference D. problem ( ) 39. A. wait B. try C. remember D. choose ( ) 40. A. dirtier B. Noisier C. nicer D. bigger ( ) 41. A. so B. unless C. until D. or ( ) 42. A. organizing B. training C. meeting D. controlling ( ) 43. A. what B. when C. how D. why ( ) 44. A. busy B. upset C. welcome D. available ( ) 45. A. hear B. call C. watch D. write Ⅶ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)


“Mom, you won’t believe what Anna’s grandfather bought her for her birthday!” shouted Michelle.

“What?” asked Mom.

“A horse,” said Michelle. “Can I have one for my birthday?” “No, Honey! I’m sorry but we don’t have enough money,” said Mom. Michelle walked to her room. The phone rang (响起铃声), and Michelle answered.

“Will you get one for your birthday?” asked Anna. “We can ride them together.”

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