仁爱科普版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly. Section C同步练习A卷

仁爱科普版初中英语九年级上册Unit 1 Topic 1 Our country has developed

rapidly. Section C同步练习A卷

姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________

一、 汉译英 (共3题;共8分)

1. (2分)他能在英语方面帮助我。 He ________ help me ________ English 2. (5分)我不介意教你跳舞。 (mind) 3. (1分)北京的天气和伦敦的天气有很大不同。 The weather in Beijing________ in London.

二、 词汇运用 (共7题;共32分)

4. (3分)他仅完成了一部分作业。

He's only________ ________ ________his homework. 5. (9分)单词翻译。

①________adj.现代的 ②________n. 成功 ③________v. 属于 ④ ________num.百万 ⑤________v. 介绍 ⑥________n. 照相机 ⑦________v. 鼓励 ⑧________adj.和平的 ⑨________adj.社会的 6. (2分)这本书很有趣,就是它的价格有点高。 The book is very ________, but the ________ is high. 7. (10分)根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)他们正在谈论什么?

What are they________ ________? (2)她还需要两个苹果。

She needs________ ________apples. (3)我们从星期一到星期五上学。

We go to school________Monday________Friday. (4)我们直到雨停了才离开。

We________leave________the rain stopped. (5)我喜爱很多球类运动,例如篮球和足球。

I love lots of ball games________ ________basketball and football.

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8. (6分)语法填空,用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。 (1)He ________ (play) soccer on the playground now. (2)He ________ (play) soccer on the playground yesterday.

(3)He ________ (play) soccer on the playground when I saw him yesterday. (4)He ________ (play) soccer on the playground every day.

(5)He ________ (play) soccer on the playground tomorrow afternoon. (6)He ________ (play) soccer on the playground for a long time.

9. (1分)Last year, he ________ ( success) in winning a scholarship to Harvard University. 10. (1分)Lisa________(smile)because she was glad to see us.

三、 选择题 (共10题;共20分)

11. (2分)Jim's father ________ to London last month. He ________ there three times. A . went; has gone B . has gone; has been C . went; has been D . has been; has gone

12. (2分)—I went to return the book to Jack, but I couldn't find him. —He ______ the library. You can find him there. A . has been to B . has gone to C . has left D . went to

13. (2分)The supermarket . It usually at eight in the morning. A . is open; is open B . is open; opens C . opens; is open D . opens; open

14. (2分)I will always feel ___________ to that little guy. A . thankful B . thanks

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C . thank D . thanked

15. (2分)She has _______ to London _______. A . gone, for a long time B . been, twice

C . been, for many years D . gone, once

16. (2分)— I have changed my job. — __________________. A . So do I B . So have I C . So I do D . So I have

17. (2分)The football team worked hard _________ they would win the match. A . if B . so that C . as soon as D . because

18. (2分)—My parents are crazy about Chinese Poetry Conference (the fourth quarter)(中国诗词大会·第四季). How about your parents?

—_______my dad______ my mom likes it. They watch it every night. A . Both; and B . Neither; nor C . Either; or D . Not only; but also

19. (2分)What is happening in Japan made people all over the world _____________ sad. A . feel

B . to feel C . felt

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