详案3B M2U3 Period1

3B Module 2 My favourite things

Unit 3 Clothes

Period1 Topic A family trip 1、.学习词汇hat, scarf, jacket, a pair of gloves, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, 能正确用 a pair of表达数量名词。 2、结合核心句型what?s this/that? It?s a…,正确询问和描述服装的特点,培养学生良好的听、说、读的习惯和能力。 3、让学生感受服装对我们美好生活的点缀。 Teaching aids PPT, word cards. Procedures Procedure Pre-task preparation Content 1. Warming up 2.Revision clothes: skirt, dress, shirt , blouse, T-shirt, coat, sweater Methods Purpose 1. Chant together 1. Lead in “clothes” T: How is the weather today? Oh, it?s a good time to go out and play, yes or no? Kitty, Ben and their mother are going out too! Where are they going? Can you guess? Ss: T: Oh, they are going to USA!. So what do they need? Ss: T: And I think they need to bring some clothes. (板书clothes) 2. Ask and answer T: What clothes do Kitty and Ben have? Can you tell me? S: T: How are their clothes? S: 1.T elicit “hat” T: Kitty likes to be beautiful. So she wants to take her hat. Is Kitty?s hat beautiful? .(学习发音和板书 hat) 2. Say the difference about Kitty?s hat and Uncle Bai?s hat. T: Do you remember Uncle Bai? He has many…? 让生说出 hats. 1


1.Learn “hat” procedure 2.Learn”jacket” Is this Uncle Bai?s hat? Ss: No, it isn?t. T: Yes, it?s Kitty?s hat. Look, that is Uncle Bai?s hat. So , can you tell me, What?s the difference? S:This hat is___. That hat is___. T: This hat is for who/ what season? S:This hat is for ____ That hat is for. _____. 1.T elicit “jacket” T :Kitty likes to be beautiful. So she wants to take hat. Ben likes to be cool. So he wants to take his jacket. 2. Spell and read.(板书jacket) 3. Try to say: I have a jacket. T: I have a jacket. I have a jacket for spring. Do you have a jacket? S: I have a jacket. 4.Make a chant T: Yes, ##has a jacket, and ## has a jacket. And this boy has a jacket too. His name is Jack. Jack, Jack. Jack has a jacket. Follow me. Jack, Jack! Jack has a jacket sitting on the rock. Jack, Jack! Jack has a jacket, short and cool. 5. Work in pairs T: Here are Kitty and Ben?s jackets. Do you like their jackets? Please choose one and work in pairs. A: Do you like this/that____ jacket? B: Yes, I do. It?s_____. No, I don?t. It?s not _____. 5. Read a passage T: You like this red jacket. Does Ben like his red jacket? Guess? Let?s read a passage, then you can get the answer. Ben has a red jacket. It has a hat and a shining zip. It looks so cool. Ben wears it every day. He wears it to the park. He wears it to the zoo. And he wears it to school. T: Does Ben like his jacket? How do you know? Ss:…… 1. T elicit ?a pair of shoes” T: Ben likes to be cool. Yes? And Kitty likes to be beautiful. Yes? So she wants to wear her new shoes to USA. Look! A pair of new shoes for Kitty! 2

3.Learn”a pair of shoes” 4. Learn “a pair of socks” “a pair of gloves”

2. Read “a pair of ” (板书a pair of 反面写 一双,一对,一副…) 3. Play a game. T: Let?s play a game. Look at the pictures. Think! Can we say ”a pair of” ? If we can, please say “it?s a pair of shorts”. If we can?t, please give me an X. (双手做叉)前面两个老师示范 No.3, ready, go! S: 4. Read the word.(板书shoes) T: You are so clever. We also can say a pair of shoes. T elicit “socks” 1.T: You did a good job. Next let’ play a guessing game to have a relax. Do you want to play? Who can read it? They look the same. But not the same. They can be long. They can be short. They are for my toes. But not shoes. Guess! What is it? A pair of socks. 2.Read and say. I wear a pair of ___ socks.(板书) T: We wear socks every day. What colour socks do you wear today? Tell your deskmate first. Who can tell me now? 3.T: Now can you read this riddle? (捂嘴读) They look the same. But not the same. They can be big. They can be small. They are for my hands. Not for my toes. What is it? Yes, a pair of gloves. Let read the riddle together. Read go. 4. Read and say “I have a pair of ____ gloves”(板书) I have a pair of gloves. I have a pair of purple gloves. How about you? 5. A chant. T: Ben has a pair of gloves too. And he has a pair of socks. Look at this chant. Can you say ? What’s ____? What’s ____? A pair of ____, a pair of ____. They are for my hands. Not for my toes. What’s _____? What’s _____? A pair of ____, a pair of ____. They are for my toes. 3

6.Learn”scarf” But not shoes. 1.Lead in ”scarf” T: Ben likes his gloves and socks. He?s so happy. But Kitty is sad. What?s wrong with her? Listen! Kitty: Mum, Mum! I can’t find my scarf. Where is it? Mum:Don?t worry(担心). I can help you. T: What?s wrong with Kitty? Yes, she can?t find her scarf. 2. Read and say. (板书) T: What?s this? S: It?s a scarf. T: It?s Kitty?s scarf. What colour is her scarf? Yellow. I think her yellow scarf is short. What?s on her scarf? A giraffe. Well! Let?s say a chant now. Scarf, scarf, A yellow scarf. Scarf, scarf, A short scarf. There’s a giraffe On her scarf. 3.Ask and answer T:Mum finds three scarves.(板书scarves) Which one is Kitty?s? Now I will be Kitty. Who will be Mum ? Work in pairs. --Is that your scarf? --Yes, it is./ No, it isn?t. My scarf is… But that scarf is… Post-task activity 1. Look and answer T: Kitty and Ben find out all the clothes. What?s this? What?s that? 2.Say a chant T: Oh, It?s too late. Mum is worried. Hurry, hurry, Kitty and Ben. Put your ______ in the bag. 4

Assignment 1. Copy the new words. 2. Try to say your clothes. Draw and colour your favourite clothes. Module2 Unit3 Clothes Kitty?s clothes Ben?s clothes hat jacket scarf a pair of socks a pair of … a pair of… Passage1 Ben has a red jacket. It has a hat and a shining zip. It looks so cool. Ben wears it every day. He wears(穿) it to the party. He wears it to the zoo. And he wears it to school. Passage2

They look the same. But not the same. They can be thick. They can be thin. They are for my toes. But not shoes.

They look the same. But not the same. They can be big. They can be small. They are for my hands. Not for my toes. Passage3

What’s ____? What’s ______? A pair of ____, a pair of ____. They are for my hands. Not for my toes.

What’s _____? What’s _____? A pair of ____, a pair of ____. They are for my toes. But not shoes.


Kitty: Mum, Mum!

I can’t see my scarf. Where is it?

Mum:Don?t worry(担心). Let me see.

板 书 设 计


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