


1.like n.爱好;嗜好→________ n.憎恶;不喜欢

2. ________ adj.令人愉快的→delight n.高兴, 愉快 v.使人高兴 →________

adj. 感到高兴的

3.scene n. 景色, 风景;场景 →________ n. (自然)风景 4. _________ adj. 传统的, 习俗的→tradition n.传统, 惯例

5. ________ v. 临摹, 仿造, 模仿→imitation n.模仿, 仿制, 仿制品 6. ________n.真实, 现实 →________ vt.认识, 领悟;实现 →realistic adj.现实主义的→realism n. 现实主义

7. ______ v. 采纳, 采用;收养→adoption n.采用;收养 8. _________ n. 展览→exhibit vt.显示(出);展出(览), 陈列 9. _________ n.表示, 表达;表情;词语→express vt.表示, 表达 10. ________ n.破坏, 毁坏→destruction n. 破坏, 毁坏 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.目的是

2.遵循传统的中国风格 3.厌倦了 4.热爱,着迷 5.喜欢

6.培养……的兴趣 7.根据……判断出 8.推迟

9.在……获得成功 Ⅲ.佳句再现

1.Do you like traditional Chinese art __________________?


2. This is painted by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, ______________ the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. 这幅画是西班牙画家毕加索画的, 他被认为是二十世纪西方最伟大的画家。

3.There is ______________. 有一个展览正在展出。 四、词汇学习

1 observev. (to see and notice; to watch carefully)观察;(to celebrate)庆祝;(to obey)遵守

observation n.


observe sb. do/doing sth. 注意到某人做/正在做某事

10.轮流 aim to (do)

follow the traditional Chinese style be/get tired of be crazy about be fond of

develop an interest in tell by put off

succeed in/be successful in… take turns


1. 根据汉语意思完成句子



(1)His neighbor observed a stranger ______________his house. 他的邻居察觉到一个陌生人进入他家。

(2) It’s our duty _______________________.遵守交通法则是我们的义务。

2. 单项填空

A great many countries ________ Christmas every year. Many people in our country like the festival too. A.congratulate B.follow C.observe D.spend 【解析】 C 根据语境可知句意为:很多国家每年都庆祝圣诞节。congratulate祝贺;follow遵循,跟随;observe庆祝,观察,遵守;spend度过,消磨(时间)。因此C项正确。

2 aliveadj. (still living and not dead) 活着的;(full of activity etc.) 有活力的, 活跃的

come alive 生动起来, 活跃起来bring sth. alive 使有趣 keep sth. alive 使继续活着, 使继续存在

energy, happiness,


alive, living, live和lively

(1) alive 表语形容词, 表示“活着”时, 强调“虽有死的可能, 但仍活着”。常作表语、补语以及后置定语, 不能作前置定 (2) (3) (4)


We caught a bear alive. 我们活捉了一头熊。

living “活的, 健在的;现存的, 还在使用的”。如:living things 生物,


直播的(地)/实况的或物, 如:a

live “活的”(只作定语, 只修饰物, 不修饰人);“现场 lively“活泼的;热烈的;生动的, 逼真的”。可修饰人

discussion 热烈的讨论。

living languages 现用语言。作表 (地)”。

lively boy 活泼的男孩, a lively


用alive, lively, living或live 填空

(1)It is really fun to watch a _____ performance.

(2) It was a really bad accident—they’re lucky to be _____. (3) Xu Beihong is famous for his _____ paintings of horses. (4) He’s one of the greatest _______ composers. (5)We should try to keep the traditions _____.



3 standvi.&vt. 站立, (使)直立;忍受, 忍耐n.看台;货摊

stand for 代表;象征stand out突出;卓越 stand by 袖手旁观, 无动于衷;支持, 帮助

can’t stand sth./(sb.) doing sth.不能忍受某事/(某人)做某事


(1)I can’t stand ______ good food wasted.我不忍心看到好好的食物被浪费。 (2) His height makes him ________ in the crowd. 他身材高大, 因此在人群中很突出。

(3)How can you ________ and see him accused of something he didn’t do? 你怎么能眼睁睁看着他遭人诬陷而袖手旁观? (4)The letters PLA ________ the People’s Liberation Army. PLA这几个字母代表中国人民解放军。

4 adoptvt. 收养;采纳, 采用 adoption n. 收养;采纳, 采用 【易错警示】

adopt和adapt是极易混淆的两个动词, adapt意为“适应”, 常用于搭配adapt (oneself) to sth.。


(1) The schools must ______ new methods of teaching foreign languages. 学校应采用新的外语教学法。 (2) Paul’s mother had him ________ because she couldn’t look after him herself. 保罗的母亲因为自己无力抚养他, 便将他送给别人收养了。 (3) He found it hard to ________his new school. 他发现很难适应他的新学校。

5 aimn. 目标, 对准 v. 对准目标;(to try or intend to achieve something)打算

(1) (2) (3)

aim at (doing) sth.=aim to do sth. , 努力做某事 aim sth. at 把……瞄准;把……对准 be aimed at 旨在, 针对, 目的是 take aim at 瞄准, 把目标对准


(1)We ___________________our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。 (2)My remarks were not ________ you.我的话并非针对你说的。

(3) The program __________ improving children’s interest in science. 这个节目旨在提高孩子们对科学的兴趣。 五、短语学习

1 be/get tired of 厌烦, 厌倦

be sick of/be bored with厌烦;厌倦be tired out 筋疲力尽


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