

1、Science fiction remains an alien dimension of the history of science. Historical and literary studies of science have become increasingly attentive to various ―literary technologies‖ in scientific practice, the metaphorical features of scientific discourse, and the impact of popular science writing on the social development of scientific knowledge. But the function of science fiction and even literature as such in the history of scientific and technological innovation has often been obscured, misconstrued, or repudiated owing to conventional notions of authorship, influence, and the organic unity of texts. The better to address those close encounters where scientific practice makes use of speculative fiction, this essay proposes that we instead analyze such exchanges as processes of appropriation, remixing, and modification..


2、SCIENCE FICTION: the very concept appears as a monstrous violation of categories, an improper joining of radically different domains. Hugo Gernsback, the founding editor of Amazing Stories (the first magazine exclusively devoted to this strange literary genre), coined the term in 1929, as a more marketable successor to his earlier neologism“scientifiction.‖ Certainly, stories of this kind had existed long before Gernsback gave us the name. The roots of science fiction are at least as old as modern science itself, germinating in the utopian romances of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with offshoots in the Gothic novels of the eighteenth century and onward, eventually flourish-ing in the scientific romances and voyages extraordinaires of the nineteenth century. But the sense of science fiction as a recognizable genre, a ready-made cultural form, is largely an invention of the last century. Indeed, science fiction is often said to be the most characteristic literary mode of late modernity, the defining genre of our age. 1 Yet even as.



* Department of English and Program in Science and Technology Studies, University of California, Davis, California 95616.

1 For examples see Fredric Jameson, Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions (New York: Verso, 2005); Carl Freedman, Science Fiction and Critical Theory (Hanover, N.H.:

Univ. Press New England for Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2000); David G. Hartwell, ed., The Science Fiction Century

(New York: Tor, 1997); and Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., The Seven Beauties of Science Fiction (Middletown,

Conn.: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 2008). Isis, 2010, 101:560–569

?2010 by The History of Science Society. All rights reserved. 0020-9903/2010/1013-0005$10.00 560

3、it has become ever more familiar and commonplace, this mash-up of the word ―science‖ with the word ―fiction‖ still seems to insist on a certain internal incoherence, as if the tiny typographic space inside the label of ―science fiction‖ were to signify a vast chasm, a void between alien worlds. And this, of course, is precisely the problem. Among aficionados, the idea that science fiction influences science as much as science influences science fiction is now something of a cliche ′. 2 Legendary examples of science fiction shaping the history of science have entered the communal lore of fandom: Leo Szilard theorizing nuclear chain reactions—and their social implications—after reading H. G. Wells’s depiction of atomic bombs in The World Set Free (1914); Wernher von Braun pursuing a career in rocketry because of his early interest in Jules Verne; Gerald Feinberg analyzing the quantum field properties of tachyons as an answer to James Blish’s faster-than-light communicator in ―Bleep‖ (1954); and so forth. We often hear about the“predictions‖ of science fiction that eventually came to pass; and, to be sure, a favorite proverb of popular science reportage goes: ―Yesterday it was science fiction; today it is science fact.‖ If this form of folk wisdom puts fiction writers in the untenable position of prophets and clairvoyants, it likewise renders the task of professional science as the fulfillment of literary dreams, diligently turning fantasies into realities. Neither seems very adequate as a springboard for historiography.








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