高二精选题库 英语课时作业3北师大版

(必修一·Unit 3)


1.John is very ________—if he promises to do something he'll do it. A.independent B.confident C.reliable D.flexible

答案与解析:C John 是可以信赖的——如果他答应做某事,他一定会做的。根据后句:如果他答应做某事,就会去做。据此可得出他是个可信赖的人。故选C。

2.________,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week. A.However the story is amusing B.No matter amusing the story is C.However amusing the story is

D.No matter how the story is amusing

答案与解析:C 无论这个故事多么有趣,这周我必须要把它放起来专心学习了。这是让步状语从句,amusing是形容词,故用however amusing和no matter how amusing 皆可,状语从句用陈述语序,故选C项。

3.He is rather difficult to make friends with,but the friendship of his,________,is more true than any others'.

A.once gained B.when to gain C.as gained D.while gaining

答案与解析:A 句意:他这个人很难与他交朋友,但是与他的友谊一旦建立,比其他任何人的都真诚。由于friendship和gain之间为动宾关系,故用过去分词。根据题意,选择连词once。

4.Four policemen rode past on their motorbikes,then came the television broadcasting car,and ________ the marathon runners.

A.finally B.in the end C.at last D.last

答案与解析:A finally在列举事物或论点时,引出最后的一项内容,符合题意。in the end“终于”,用于预测未来;at last “最后,终于”,侧重于时间;last 指顺序是最后的。

5.Jane tried to keep up a calm appearance,but her trembling voice ________. A.gave her away B.gave her out C.gave her in D.gave her up 答案与解析:A 此题考查动词短语辨析。give away“送掉,分发;放弃;泄露,出卖”;give out “分发;发出(气味、热等);发表;用尽,精疲力竭”;give in“投降,屈服;让步;交上”;give up “放弃(念头、希望等);停止”。句意:Jane试图保持平静,但是她发颤的声音给她漏了馅。

6.A company may________its products by means of newspapers,magazines and television. A.list B.transport C.communicate D.advertise 答案:D

7.I think the director's attitude________this program will decide what we should do next. A.for B.of C.at D.towards 答案:D

8.He ________ being a teacher when he was a child. A.dreams of B.dreams C.dreamed of D.dreamed 答案:C

9.—Do you have any plans for Saturday?

—To tell you the truth,I have nothing in ________ for Saturday.

A.head B.mind C.heart D.brain 答案:B

10.After that,I avoided his presence,as I felt he was becoming too ________ me. A.popular with B.similar to C.known to D.familiar with 答案与解析:D 题意:从那之后,我避免见他,因为我感到他对我太了解了。be familiar with“对??熟悉”。

11.When asked to explain ________ he did to make his students so fascinated with his lessons,the teacher paused and thought deeply.

A.what it was that B.that what it was C.what was it that D.that what was it

答案与解析:A 该题考查强调句的用法。由于强调句作explain的宾语,应使用陈述语序,故排除C、D两项;对比A、B两项可以发现这是强调句的特殊疑问句式,应把特殊疑问词置于句首,故排除B项。

12.The lady insisted that the young man ________ her wallet and insisted on ________ to the police station at once.

A.has stolen; be sent

B.should steal; sending him C.had stolen; his being sent D.should steal; sending

答案与解析:C insist作“认为;坚持说”讲时,表示坚持一种说法、看法或事实,宾语从句用陈述语气,steal的动作发生在insisted之前,故第一个空用过去完成时;insist on后接名词或动名词作宾语,且the young man与send构成动宾关系,故C项正确。

13.—I ________ him to take part in the English Oral Contest. —I have been believing only you can make it. A.determined B.persuaded C.talked D.insisted

答案与解析:B persuade sb. to do sth.“成功说服某人去做某事”与题意相符。

14.Hurry up!The concert ________ at 8.They will have played half an hour by the time we ________ there.

A.is beginning; will get B.begins; get

C.will begin; will get D.is to begin; have got

答案与解析:B 表示按时间表拟定的或安排好的事情,可用一般现在时代替一般将来时;by the time引导的时间状语从句可用一般现在时表示将来的动作。

15.—When ________ the next train leave for Boston,please? —Usually at 1315,but because of the small accident on the line,it ________ at 1345. A.does; is going to start B.will; starts C.does; will start D.will; is to start

答案与解析:C 按时间表拟定或安排好将要发生的事情用一般现在时代替一般将来时,排除B、D两项;be going to结构常用于指当前的已计划好或思考过的意图或打算,故C项正确。


Not long ago I wasn't doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and __1__ thinking.While on the Internet,I met many new friends,but one in particular __2__.His nickname is Colorful Day and we __3__ on the Web.He told me he lost his __4__ at the age of 15,and felt the whole world had closed its door to him.

He was __5__ so fast that I couldn't believe he was blind!But he continued to __6__:Five years ago,I realized it was time to change my life.I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and __7__.So I developed a website about her life __8__ mine called Three Days to See.

I visited his website which was well produced and vividly __9__. I asked,“How did you __10__ to build such a website?” He said,“Owing to the

new technology,I can use software specially __11__ for the blind.__12__ I point the cursor(光标),it will just read it out to me.We can do far more things and __13__ more information than we could before.”I then asked,“Didn't you have great difficulty with it?”

He hesitated and then began his __14__ with a smiling face,“Yes,but I have faith in myself to __15__ my colorful day,and modern technology gives me this medium and __16__ to do it.”

His __17__ attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers,not the cup of despair,__18__ the chalice (酒杯) of opportunity.I returned to my lessons,and this time with a smile on my face and with __19__ of a colorful future. The Internet,which is open to me to __20__ different lives and cultures,has charm you couldn't find in another wise non-virtual world.

1.A.positive B.active C.negative D.instructive 2.A.turns out B.stands out C.comes out D.looks out 3.A.argued B.interviewed C.told D.chatted 4.A.eyesight B.hearing C.courage D.confidence 5.A.speaking B.saying C.typing D.spelling 6.A.follow B.write C.read D.copy 7.A.friendship B.marriage C.happiness D.hardships 8.A.as well as B.such as C.like D.as

9.A.offered B.presented C.delivered D.found 10.A.try B.come C.work D.manage 11.A.designed B.distinguished C.planned D.imagined 12.A.Whether B.However C.Whatever B.access C.communicate D.exchange 14.A.webpage B.speech C.words D.opinions 15.A.create B.produce C.recognize D.organize 16.A.moment B.privilege C.opportunity D.occasion 17.A.hopeful B.disappointed C.pleasant D.optimistic 18.A.but B.and C.so D.then 19.A.eagerness B.expectations C.richness D.nervousness 20.A.touch B.feel C.experience D.suffer 答案与解析:

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