【步步高 学案导学设计】2014-2015学年高中英语(人教版,选修6)课时作业:Unit 5 Period 2]

Period Two Language Points


1.He parked his car __________ (在……旁边) the fence. 2.After a fire broke out in the lab,a lot of __________ (设备) was damaged.He was ________ (委派) to look into the matter.

3.I can’t ________ (评价) her ability without seeing her work.

4.Although it is impossible to ____________ (绝对地) predict that a volcano will ________ (爆发) at some minute,it is possible in some period.

5.The ________ (实际的) cost was much higher than we had expected. 6.He ________ (挥手) goodbye to his friend.

7.We should develop the children’s ________ (潜力) while they’re young. 8.I’ve found a job that ________ (适合) me down to the ground. Ⅱ.词义辨析


(1)Her shoes ________ her dress;they look very well together. (2)—How about eight o’clock outside the cinema? —That ________ me fine.

(3)Do you think this colour ________ me?

(4)I tried the dress on but it didn’t ________ me.It was too small. 2.用force,strength,power,energy的适当形式填空 (1)I did everything in my ________ to help her.

(2)The army took control of the region by ________. (3)He hasn’t got enough ________ to lift the box. (4)As we all know,knowledge is ________.

(5)—You are always full of ________.Can you tell me the secret? —Taking plenty of exercise every day. Ⅲ.完成句子


If you want to meet him,____________________________________. 2.我们沿着小路朝山顶上走。

We ____________________ along the path __________________________. 3.在大火中,这所房子被烧成了灰烬。

In the fire,the house __________________________. 4.他戴着太阳镜以遮挡强烈的阳光。

He is wearing sunglasses ____________________________________________. 5.我们正要出去散步这时天下起了雨。

____________________________________________ it began to rain. Ⅳ.单项填空

1.People who don’t smoke have less________ of suffering from lung disease than those who do so.

A.potential B.cause C.hope D.problem

2.Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often________ to finish some challenging tasks.

A.appreciated B.approached C.appointed D.agreed

3.Although the shirt________ me well,but the colour doesn’t________ me.So I don’t want to buy it.

A.fits;fit for B.fits;suit C.fits for;suit D.is fit for;fit

4.Mr.Smith,________ of the________ speech,started to read a novel. A.tired;boring B.tiring;bored

C.tired;bored D.tiring;boring

5.His house was________ due to the big fire,________ made him homeless. A.burnt to the ground;which B.rebuilt;what C.painted;that D.run out of;which

6.We were just________ calling you up________ you came in. A.about;when

B.on the point of;while C.on the point of;when D.on the point;as

7.________ in the field all day,I felt very tired. A.Working B.Having worked C.Worked D.Work

8.________ with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A.Compare B.When comparing C.Comparing D.When compared

9.The young man rushed out of the room,________ into his car and started it hurriedly,________ to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

A.got;hoped B.getting;and hoped C.got;hoping D.getting;hoped

10.—Do you think there is possibility that they will win the game? —________.They don’t co-operate with each other well.

A.Absolutely B.Absolute not C.Absolutely not D.Certainly Ⅴ.完形填空

Scientists have searched for many years for a__1__to tell whether a volcano__2__will be small or large.Now,four scientists say they have discovered something in__3__that will help do this.They__4__the research on Mount Unzen on the southern Japanese island of Kyushu. Mount Unzen exploded__5__November,1990.Since then,more explosions__6__43 people and destroyed the homes of more than 2,000 others.The volcano is still__7__today. The scientists say the lava of the volcano__8__high level of an element (成分),__9__is a sign of the presence of the lava from deep in the earth,not from the surface.They say it shows that the lava__10__directly from inside the earth is__11__with huge explosions instead of smaller ones. The scientists examined the lava from 18 explosions of Mount Unzen that took place during many__12__of years.They__13__studied the lava from other volcanoes in the area that are older than Mount Unzen.The lava studied came from__14__large and small explosions.The scientists found that large explosions contained__15__of the element than small__16__.The scientists say if they__17__this two years earlier,they__18__the people living in the area__19__Mount Unzen and saved many__20__. 1.A.glance B.method C.motor D.panic 2.A.eruption B.climate C.aspect D.district 3.A.lung B.ash C.lava D.crater 4.A.stated B.teased C.compared D.did 5.A.in B.on C.from D.off 6.A.have quitted B.have uttered C.have focused D.have killed 7.A.active B.abstract C.ridiculous D.mental 8.A.tries B.manages C.stresses D.contains 9.A.which B.that C.if D.when 10.A.going B.coming C.ending D.losing 11.A.decreased B.bored C.swallowed D.connected 12.A.hundred B.ten C.number D.thousands

13.A.also 14.A.one 15.A.more 16.A.that 17.A.knew 18.A.warn 19.A.on 20.A.lives B.either B.neither B.much B.those

B.had known

B.could have warned B.near B.life C.too C.both C.less C.ones C.know C.will warn C.away C.live

D.as well as D.three D.few D.this

D.knowing D.can warn D.besides D.believes

由于没有公共汽车,我们只好步行回家。 (1)There was no bus,so we had to walk home. (2)As there was no bus,we had to walk home. (3)There being no bus,we had to walk home.

(4)There being no bus,what we had to do was walk home.


Period Two Language Points

Ⅰ.1.alongside 2.equipment appointed 3.evaluate 4.absolutely erupt 5.actual 6.waved 7.potential 8.suits

Ⅱ.1.(1)match (2)suits (3)suits (4)fit


2.(1)power (2)force (3)strength (4)power (5)energy


Ⅲ.1.you have to make an appointment 2.made our way to the top of the mountain 3.was burned to the ground

4.to protect his eyes from the strong sunlight 5.We were about to go out for a walk when

Ⅳ.1.A [考查名词词义辨析。potential可能(性),潜力。]

2.C [句意为:布莱克先生是个细心而且有经验的工程师,因此他常常被委派去完成一些有挑战性的任务。appreciate感激;approach靠近,接近;appoint任命,委派;agree同意。]

3.B [fit表示某物尺寸大小适合某人;suit表示某物颜色适合某人;be fit for表示“适合……”。]

4.A [be tired of sth.(人)厌烦/厌倦某事,在这里过去分词作状语;而boring用来修饰speech,表示“令人讨厌的”。]

5.A [句意为:由于大火,他的房子被烧毁了,这使他无家可归。burn to the ground烧为平地;rebuild重建;run out of用完;paint粉刷。which引导非限制性定语从句,结合句意

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