

Review of Topic 1, Unit 7

Name:____________ Class:______________


1. 出生 2. 举办生日派对

3. 用某物做某事 4. 计划做某事 5. 做大餐 6. …的超级粉丝 7. 快到了



1. 我想要给他举行一个生日派对。 2. 周末快要来了。 3. 我们用电脑学习。

4. 她计划给她妈妈做一顿大餐。 5. 我是赵丽颖的超级粉丝。


1. -他是什么时候出生的? -他出生于1965年7月9日。

_____ _____ he born? He _____born _____ July 9th, 1965. 2. -他在哪里出生? -他出生于加拿大。 ______ _____ he born? He was born _____ Canada. 3. -你什么时候生日? -五月15日。 _____ ____ your birthday? _____ ____. 4. - 今天几号了? - 4月13日。 _____ ____ _____ today? It’s ____ _____.

5. -这个文具盒是什么形状的?(两种表达方式) -它是长方形的。 ______ _______ is the pencil box? / _____ _____ _____ _____ the pencil box? It’s _____ _________.

6. -这个文具盒有多长? -它有24厘米长 _____ _____ is the pencil box? It’s 24 centimeters ______. 7. -这个文具盒有多宽? -它有8厘米宽

_____ _____ is the pencil box? It’s 8 centimeters ______.

8. -我们用它干什么? -我们可以用它来学英语。 _____ do we use it ______?

We use it for________ English. / We use it to ______ English. 9. -它像什么? -它像一只鸟。

_____ _____ it _____? It ______ _____ a bird. 10. -它之前像鸟儿吗? -不,它之前像一只狗。

_____ it like a bird before? No, it _______. It was _____ a dog.



A: Hello, Jane! _____________________? B: It’s March 9th.

A: Oh, it’s my father’s birthday tomorrow.

B: Your father’s birthday?________________________? A: I plan to have a birthday party for him. B: _______________________? A: Guess.

B: ____________________________?

A: It’s a rectangle. It’s nineteen centimeters long and nine centimeters wide. B: ___________________________? A: He can use it to keep money. B: Oh, I get it. It’s a wallet. A: Yes, you’re right. 二、综合填空

Ann is sixteen years old. She was ______ on February 5th. Mrs. Green is her mother. Today is Ann’s s________ birthday. There is a ______ for her. Lots of her _______come to her party. There ______(be)ten girls and ten five boys. Ann likes sports. They want to give her a surprise. They buy a present _____ her. It’s a ______.(足球) Mrs. Green buys a birthday ______, some fruits and some other delicious(美味的) food for her party. They also put __ candles on the cake. Her friends and parents join together to ______ “happy birthday” to her.


Write a short passage with the title “My birthday”.以“我的生日”为题写一篇50


Review of Unit7,Topic 2 Name , Class 一,短语训练营

1. 弹钢琴/弹吉他 2. 在生日派对上 3. 跳迪斯科 4. 表演芭蕾 5. 玩得高兴 6. 拍照

7. 把某物/某人带到某处 8. 一年前/两年前 9. 确信 10.今年/去年 11. 在…岁时 12.再也不,不再 13.对某人来说是困难的 14. 在某人的帮助下 15. 在过去



What would you like to do ____ ____ ____ ____? 2.汤姆不会弹吉他,但他会弹钢琴。

Tom can't ____ ____ _____, but he can _____ _____ _____. 3.我确信你们将会玩的开心。I'm sure you will _____ _____ ____ _____. 4. 在过去,我不会打乒乓球。I couldn't play ping-pong ____ ____ _____. 5.她五岁时就会拍照了。(两种表达方式)

She could take photos ___ ___ ___ ___ five. She could take photos ___ ___ ___ ___.

6.在吉姆的帮助下,我现在英语说的很好了。 (两种表达方式) ___ ___ ____, I can speak English well now.

= ___ ___ ____ ____ Jim, I can speak English well now.



I ____ play basketball now, but I _______ do it at all three years ago. can 表示______,否定式______


Practice:用can/can’t/could/couldn’t 填空。

(1). Mary _______ sing songs at all two months ago, but she ______ do it well now.

(2). Maria _____ fly a kite a little, but she _______ do it at all when she was five. (3). - ______ Lily dance?

- Yes. She _______ dance well at the age of four.

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