山东省中考英语最后一次真题模拟试题(2)(无答案) 人教



一、听力(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节

听对话,选择合适的图画或答案,每段对话听两遍。 ( ) 1. What does Sally do after school?



( ) 2. What does Jack like?



( ) 3. Which girl is Rose?


( ) 4. What is the boy’s favorite pet?



( ) 5. What is the man going to do?

A. Turn on the radio. B. Turn off the radio. C. ( ) 6. What does the man mean?

A. She didn’t listen to him carefully. B. She listened to him carefully enough. C. She won’t listen to him.




C Turn up the radio.


( ) 7. What day is tomorrow?

A. Tuesday.

B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.

( ) 8. When did the man arrive?

A. At 6:35.

B. At 5:55.

C. At 5:45.

( ) 9. How is their English?

A. They both know much about it. B. Neither of them knows much about it. C. Either of them knows much about it.

( ) 10. What would the man like to drink?

A. A cup of tea.

B. A cup of coffee. C. A glass of water.

第二节 根据所听到的对话或短文选择正确答案。每段材料听两遍 听下面一段材料,回答第11至12题。 ( ) 11. When is his birthday?

A. In December. B. On 7th December. C. On 7 October.

( ) 12. Why does he like his birthday so much?

A. He has a big party.


听下面一段材料,回答第13至15题。 ( ) 13. What is the machine used for?

A. Cutting apples. B. Holding food. C. Cutting vegetables.

( ) 14. Where was it made?

A. In Shanghai.

B. In India. C. In Canada.

B. He can play games. C. He can get lots of


( ) 15. How long has the woman had the machine?

A. For 2 weeks. B. For 2 days. C. For 20 days.

听下面一段短文,回答第16至20题。 ( ) 16. What do Kate and Peter like?

A. Studying. B. Sports.

C. Weather report.

( ) 17 When are they going to have a trip?

A. On Friday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday and Sunday.

( ) 18. What season is it according to this passage?


A. Summer. B. Winter. C. Autumn.

( ) 19. What’s the weather like on Sunday?

A. It is sunny.

B. It is cloudy. C. It is snowy.

( ) 20. What time is it when they listen to the weather report?

A. 6:30.

B. 7:30.

C. 8:30.

二、单项选择 (共45小题,每小题1分,满分45分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填

入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入机读卡相应的位置。 A.

-When did Hong Kong came back? -It came back to China _____ July 1st, 1997. A. in B. on C. for D. at B.

- Hi, Kate. How are you doing? - _____.

A. Listening to music B. That's all right C. Great D. It's my pleasure C.

—Can I help you? —____ . I want to buy some T-shirts for my children. A. Of course I can B. No, thanks C. It doesn’t matter D. Yes, please D.

-Would you like some more cakes? -_____.

A. I’m still hungry B. Just a little C. More food, please. D. I’m full, thanks E.

-Where does your brother work?

-He ____ a car for the manager in the factory.

A. drove B. has driven C. will drive D. drives F.

My friend _____his homework fifteen minutes ago.

A. finish B. finishes C. finished D. has finished G.

-Hello, this is Lily speaking. Could I speak to Mr. Black? -Sorry. He____ the East Lake Park.

A. has been to B. went to C. has gone to D. will go to H.

—What do you think of the dinner in Mr. Brown's? —Oh, great! We have never had a better one. It's a dinner of twenty ____.

A. drinks B. people C. tables D. courses I.

--Mark is the most popular person in our class. –So he is. ____ else is funnier than him.

A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Anybody D. Nobody


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