

大安小学2016---2017学年第一学期 五年级上册英语期中测试卷

一 、选出各组中不同类的单词。(10个知识点) ( )1 A ung B funn teaher ( )2 A nda B tda Frida ( )3 A tea B egg il ( )4 Afresh B deliius shrt ( ) As B usi r

二、根据图片和首字母写出相应的短语或单词。h__________ ____

_________ r

三、读一读,选一选。(20个知识点) ( )1- hat’s ur favurite fd ? - I lve _________ A Haburgers B tea drin

( )2- hat d u have ________ Fridas ? - I have hinese,English and art

10个知识点)s ( A n B in at

( )3- I lie fish It is__________? A seet B ht fresh

( )4- ________________ - He’s ld and thin

A hat’s he lie ? B hat des he d hat’s that? ( )- Is she strit? - ____________

A es,she is B N,she is es,she isn’t ( )6- D u ften ath TV n the eeend? -______________

A es,I a B es,it is N,I dn’t ( )7- hat uld u lie ______ eat ? A n B t in

( )8- h’s ur siene teaher ? - _________

A r u B He’s ver funn He lies usi

( )9- I _____ helpful She ______ helpful , t Ais; is B a; is a; are

( )10- iss hen is ______ usi teaher r Li is ______ English teaher AAn ; a B A ; a A ; an 四、连词成句(1个知识点)

1 hat, have, n, d, ndas, u (?)

————————————————————————————— 2 tda, beef, have, ndles, e ()

————————————————————————————— 3 ur , usi, is, teaher, tall ()

————————————————————————————— 4 is, she, strit (?)

————————————————————————————— uld, lie, hat, u, eat, t (?)

————————————————————————————— 五、读一读,选一选。(1个知识点) ( ) 1 hat’s ur favurite fd? A es, he is ( ) 2 hat d u d n ndas? B I lve fish ( ) 3 hat uld u lie t drin? r Green ( ) 4 Is he strit? D I’d lie se tea

( ) h’s ur English teaher? E I ften pla ftball六、阅读短,判断对(√)、错(×)。(1个知识点)

Sarah: hat’s ur favurite fd, u ifan? u: I lve sandihes and salad Sarah: hat’s ur favurite fruit? u: aterelns The’ re seet hat abut u?

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