
come with just the things you went for.

25. Smells from bread in the supermarket ______. A. make you feel hungry and buy more food C. make you buy less bread than you need A. supermarkets don’t usually have many products

C. it’s easy to go shopping with trolleys inside

27. According to the passage, supermarkets put red stickers on products to ______. A. make them look more beautiful money

28. According to the passage, toys for children are usually placed ______. A. on higher shelves C. on lower shelves

B. on each shelf D. on the back shelves B. close on Monday morning D. make customers feel relaxed

B. make them different from cheaper ones D. make people think they could save

C. make people think the stickers are for men

D. a trolley can hold one or two products

B. draw your attention to bread only D. force you to leave the supermarket B. baskets are too small to hold many

26. Supermarkets don’t provide baskets because ______.

29. It can be learned from Paragraph 6 that supermarkets usually ______. A. stop people lining up at the checkouts C. play loud and noisy music inside 30. The passage is mainly about _____.


A. several ways supermarkets use to sell more products B. some advice when people go shopping on the street C. several rules that every business should follow D. some advertisements that make people buy more 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题,选项中有一项是多余选项。 A. Remember the environment

B. Keep a good memory for your holiday C. Travel with your friends D. Do some research E. Get organized

F. Help the local population



第 6 页 共 12 页

Travel Tips for Holidays Abroad

Everyone loves holiday abroad. They give us the chance to see some sights, have some fun and relax. However, holidays aren’t always a great experience. Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday. 31. _______

Have you packed your passport? Your tickets? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they’ve forgotten their passport, they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport. 32. _______

How much do you know about the place you are going to visit? Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends. 33. _______

Try to reduce the pollution you cause. Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide than traveling by train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid flying, but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis. 34. _______

You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means that your money will go to local people, rather than to a large international company. 35. _______

You don’t want to forget your holiday. Make a scrapbook-a book of memories-about your holiday. You can show it to friends, or just use it to remember all the good times you had! And don’t forget the new friends you made on holiday. Did you promise to send them pictures or presents? Don’t forget to do it! Then next time you go on holiday, you can visit them again.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)



Bo, a golden retriever, won this year’s Dog Hero Award from the Ken L Ration dog food company. Bo acted __36__ last June. Bo and his owners, Rob and Laurie Roberts, were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat. The June ___37__ was Bo’s first time in a boat.

Laurie Roberts said, “Things were fine __38___ a 6-foot wave broke in front of us and filled



第 7 页 共 12 页

the boat with water. Another big wave caught us from the back and turned the ___39__ over.” Rob was thrown clear, but Laurie and Bo were unable to move out ___40__ the boat. “Every time I tried to ___41__, my head hit the boat,” Laurie said. “I hit the bottom of the river several times. I __42___ I was drowning(溺水).”

Rob picked up the story, “I reached the land and __43__ Laurie,” he said. “I saw Bo swim out from under the overturned boat. Then he ___44__ and dived(下潜). Soon he came back up, pulling Laurie by the hair.” Laurie, who was __45___ and breathless, tried to catch Bo. But the dog stayed out of reach as is knowing ___46__ of them would drown if Laurie pulled him under. ___47__ Laurie caught Bo’s tail. He __48___ her 30 yards to the land. Laurie was cut and bleeding, but she was ___49__.

“If it hadn’t been for Bo, ___50__ wouldn’t be here.” Laurie told everyone at the Dog Hero awards dinner. 36. A. bravely 38. A. since 39. A. dog 40. A. in along

42. A. promised into

44. A. went ahead 45. A. sad 46. A. both

B. turn around B. sorry B. all

B. Often B. pulled B. calm B. she

C. jumped out C. afraid C. neither C. led C. safe C. you

D. stood up D. angry D. one D. Finally D. pushed D. hurt D. it

B. suggested B. looked for

C. described C. looked at

D. realized D. looked

43. A. looked after

41. A. get out

B. strangely B. match B. though B. wave B. behind

C. quietly C. trip C. unless C. boat C. under C. get off

D. politely D. prize D. until D. foot D. above D.


37. A. meeting

B. get down

47. A. Already 48. A. followed 49. A. busy 50. A. I

C. Besides


第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)




第 8 页 共 12 页


Speaker 1: I went straight into work after leaving school at the age of eighteen. I got a job in a big business. But I think it was a mistake as there weren’t any chances for me. I think graduates(毕业生) ___51__ (usual) get more interesting jobs, so I decided to go to university to

have a better future. Studying for a degree was one of the best __52__ (experience) of my life. I

loved my subject, and now I’m looking for a new job-better paid and more interesting than my last one.

Speaker 2: I ___53__ (leave) school at sixteen and started working in a market. Now I’ve just opened my

first shop. Some of my friends __54___ went on to university can’t find work. They had _55__

good time at college for a few years, but I really don’t know _56__ they still stayed in college.

Working for ___57___ (you) is the best education.

Speaker 3: I got quite a shock when I got my first job after graduation from university. My boss had been

in the same class __58___ me at school! She went straight into work at eighteen and now she’s

making more money than me! Actually, she _59__ (want) to go to university now. And I think

that’s probably a much ___60__ (good) way to do it. I think you’ll get more from university if

you spend some time working first.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)

第一节: 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)



61. Tom was old e______ to work and make money.



第 9 页 共 12 页

62. Linda stayed up late and p______ herself for the math exam last night. 63. A m______ is a list of food that you can eat in a restaurant.

64. As the old saying goes, “Old h______ die hard.” So start exercising before it’s too late! 65. She was so n______ about her first speech that she couldn’t sleep. 66. My father isn’t tall or short. He’s of medium h______. 67. I have already got my passport, but she hasn’t got h_____ yet. 68. It is said that the moon c______ the earth every 28 days.

69. Tea is one of the most p_______ drinks in China. Many people like it. 70. ---Have you ever r______ a horse before?

---Yes, I just rode a horse last month. 第二节:书面表达(共1题,满分15分)

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