


必修3Unit 1 Festivals around the world能力演练 一、语法填空?? 专题训练(四) 熟记固定搭配 固定搭配(固定词组或固定句型)在语法填空中的出现频率相当高,因此,平常多下苦功,尽量多记词组,熟练掌握常用句型,是提高语法填空题得分率的好办法,而且也有益于提高写作水平。?? ◆活学活用 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。?? Today is World AIDS Day,a day that reminds us 1 how HIV has weakened the whole world over the past two decades 2 the time it was reported.It is the role of the government 3 makes a difference in fighting against the disease and helping AIDS and HIV infected patients get the treatment they need in a discrimination(歧视)-free environment. The estimates(估计)of UN AIDS suggests that 33.2 million people live with AIDS worldwide, 4 (include)2.5million children.An estimated number of 2.5million people were 5 (new)infected in 2007.?? A total of 223,501 people 6 (infect)with HIV have been reported in China.Of those,62,836 are AIDS patients and 22,205 have died.It 7 (estimate)that the total number of HIV/AIDS patients could be around 700,000 nationwide.?? In fact discrimination against HIV/AIDS patients has made 8 difficult for them to get the treatment.Now we have got to understand the virus and the patients who suffer 9 it.An agreement has been reached that efforts from both the government and the public can be more 10 (effect)in preventing the spread of the disease.?? 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。?? Care Your Dream I always have the dream to dance like a beautiful ballerina(芭蕾舞女)twirling around and around and hearing people applaud for me.When I was young,I would twirl in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my 1 .For hours I would dance


2 people were watching me.?? 3 work me up when I heard a voice saying,“I don??t know why you 4 trying to dance.Ballerinas are pretty,slim little girls.?? 5 ,you don??t have the talent to 6 be a ballerina.”I remembered how those words paralyzed(使麻木)every 7 in my body.I fell to the ground and wept for hours.?? We lived in the country by a nearby lake and I would sometimes go there to hide.I enjoyed 8 by the water.I would sit there for hours and stare at my 9 .There I was,looking 10 like a pretty ballerina dancer.Reflections don,t 11 .Once the waves would come,my reflection was 12 ,washed away just like my 13 .I sat there staring at the water,hoping that my reflection would reappear and be 14 .?? As I grew older,I began to realize that the dream I had was never 15 ,so it slowly died.It??s not that I wanted it to die,but I allowed it to die the day I started listening to the words.Now that I,m older,I know that I won,t care how others saw me and I will care how God sees me.?? 1.A.playground B.backyard?? C.platform D.daydream 2.A.ever since B.in case?? C.as if D.even if 3.A.Directors B.Instructions?? C.Awareness D.Reality 4.A.bother B.remind?? C.attempt D.assume 5.A.Meanwhile B.However?? C.Besides D.Therefore 6.A.yet B.ever?? C.thus D.still 7.A.struggling B.feeling?? C.performing D.twirling 8.A.hanging out B.settling down?? C.looking upon D.diving off 9.A.figure B.status?? C.picture D.reflection 10.A.everything B.nothing?? C.something D.anything 11.A.hide B.speak?? C.lie D.laugh 12.A.lifted B.hidden?? C.gone D.melted 13.A.childhood B.emotion?? C.thoughts D.dream 14.A.fashionable B.flexible?? C.sensitive D.different 15.A.cared for B.brought on?? C.turned out D.given up 三、阅读理解 专题训练(二) 文章主旨 ◆方法点拨 关于文章主旨题需特别注意的是:此类题的设题特点往往是题中有一、


二个选项是原文讲述的某个方面,诱惑不少考生以偏概全,误选答案。为避免这种错误,同学们一定要牢记:一定要选择能涵盖全文含义的选项。?? ◆活学活用 阅读下列短文,按要求完成读写任务。?? (2008年佛山二模)There is a brown female Canadian duck that weighs only four hundred fifty grams.The duck had flown to the southern state of Florida for the winter.A hunter shot it on January fifteenth and took it to his home in the city of Tallahassee.He put it in the refrigerator.Two days later the man,s wife opened the refrigerator door.The duck lifted its head and looked at her.It was alive!?? The family took the duck to a doctor who treats animals.The doctor gave the duck to the Goose Creek Animal Sanctuary.Animal sanctuaries provide homes for animals and teach people about their care.?? The doctor said it was easy to understand why people thought the duck was dead.He said ducks generally do not move a 1ot,especially after being shot.And he said its low body temperature helped it survive in the refrigerator.?? That was enough to make the duck famous around the world.The Tallahassee newspaper published the story that was re-printed in many different countries.But that was not the end of the story.Workers at the wildlife sanctuary named the duck Perky.And they arranged for the doctor to perform an operation to repair the duck,s damaged wing.During the operation,Perky stopped breathing―not just once but twice.The doctor tried to save Perky by giving her oxygen through a face mask.But he finally said the duck had died.A few seconds

later,however,Perky began to move.Reports say the people in the operating room were so happy that they cried.?? Workers at the wildlife sanctuary say Perky will not have any more operations.It seems she had a bad reaction to the drugs that were used.Perky is expected to live at the sanctuary.And a

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