
41.A. sure B. proud C. curious D. sad 42.A. It’s B. I’m C. This is D. Thst is 43.A. house B. tree C. door D. yard 44.A. also B. still C.even D. already 45.A. conclusion B. promise C. way D.decision


第一节:阅读下列短文。从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C和D)中选出最佳选项。 A

It was a cold night in Washington,D.C.and I was heading back to the hotel when a man approached me.He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat. I’d read the signs “Don`t give money to panhandlers(乞丐)” So I shook my head and kept walking.

I wasn’t prepared for a reply, but with resignation,he said,”I really am homeless and I really am hungry!You can come with me and watch me eat!” But I kept on walking.

The incident bothered me for the rest of the week. I had money in my pocket and it wouldn’t have killed me to hand over a buck or two even if he had been lying. On a frigid,cold night, no less,I assumed(呈现) the worst of a fellow human being.

Flying back to Anchorage, I couldn`t help thinking of him. I tried to rationalize my failure to help by assuming government agencies, churches,and charities were there to feed him. Besides,you`re not supposed to give money to panhandlers.

Somewhere over Seattle, I started to write my weekly garden column for The Anchorage Daily News. Out of the blue, I came up with an idea. Bean`s Café, the soup kitchen in Anchorage, feeds hundreds of hungry Alaskans every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row in their gardens dedicated to Bean`s? Dedicate a row and take it down to Bean`s. Clean and simple.

We didn’t keep records back then,but the idea began to take off. Folks would fax me or call when they book something in. Those who only grew flowers donated them. Food for the spirit. And salve for my conscience. 46.Where didi the story happen?

A. On the way to the hotel in washington,D.C. B. On the way to the hotel in Anchorage.

C. In the hotel in washington,D.C. D. In the hotel in Anchorage.

47.Why didn’t the writer give money to the man?

A.He was kindless. B. He was lack of money C. He was busy. .D. He hardly believed the man. 48.The meaning of The underline part “out of the blue” is _____.

A. Suddenly B. Luckily C. Finally D. Specially

49.How did the writer feel for the rest of the week?

A.calm. B. excited. C. surprised. D. regret.

50.What can we learn from this passage?

A. Never give money to panhandlers. B. We ‘d better plant a row for the hunger. C. Only charities should help the hunger. D. Always give money to panhandlers. B

itesurfing as a water sport began in the 1980s, but didn't get popular until the end of last century. It is also known as kiteboarding and in some European countries as flysurfing. itesurfing works through wind power(动力) by using a large kite to pull a rider on the water at high speed. At first, kitesurfing was a difficult and dangerous sport. Now it is becoming easier and safer because of the safer kite design. For an able and strong person, kitesurfing can be a very fun, extremely exciting sport, just like skating on the water with a feeling of flying. It has become more and more popular.

Compared with other water sports, kitesurfing is easier to learn. A beginner can understand how to operate the kite with 5—10 hours of training. And anybody aged from 13 to 65 can learn. It is not expensive to get the equipment for kitesurfing, which costs $1,000 to $2,500. Training lessons range from $200 to $500 for two or three hours. With the development of its equipment progress, kitesurfing is becoming even safer. After some training, you can enjoy its excitement and challenging feeling.

With the rising popularity of kitesurfing, most major seaside cities have kitesurfing clubs. In China, iamen is the only place that has the kitesurfing club, which provides professional kitesurfing training and equipments.

51. is mentioned in the passage as the power of kitesurfing. A. Water B. Wind C. The sun D. The kite

52.What is the most important reason for the popularity of kitesurfing ___? A. The price is getting lower and lower

B. More and more people are enjoying its excitement C. The equipment progress makes it easier and safer D. All people can learn and take part in it

53.We can learn from the whole passage that kitesurfing isn’t _________. A. exciting B. popular C. safe D. expensive 54.itesurfing has a history of about years.

A. 30 B. 50 C. 100 D. 13055.What is the main idea of this passage? .

A. The way of operating kitesurfing

B. The progress of kitesurfing equipment C. The history of kitesurfing in China D. The development of kitesurfing


A . If winter comes, can spring be far behind? B. Follow your own course, and let people talk. C. Give man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life. D. Good painting is like good cooking; it can be tasted, but not explained. E. A friend in need is a friend indeed. F. When in Rome, do as Romans do.

( )56. Sarah Don’t care too much about what others have said, Tony.________.

( )57. Stephen Thanks for helping me, Amy. ______ I’m so proud of having a friend like you. ( )58. Mr. Lee Teachers should tell the kids not only what to do, but also how to do it.______ ( )59. Alan Don’t be upset, Jeff._____ The great success is just in front of you.

( )60. Sally I don’t want to hear the tour guide introduce the paintings in the gallery._______

Don’t you think so?

七 、词语填空(共10小题,计10分)


Welcome to Phillip Island Nature Park and the penguin Parade. You will see the world’s smallest penguins—the little penguins appearing from the ocean and 61 the beach to their home in line. It’s a natural experience. Remember the Little penguins are wild. You are a 62 Making the most of your visit Here are some helpful hints

? The penguins Parada last 50 minutes 63 the time penguins first cross the beach. ? Dress in warm clothes, 64 the Parade is in the open air on the beach. ? It is best to get down to the beach at 65 15 minutes before the Parade begins. Protecting the Penguins

We do have some simple rules—designed to protect the penguins and make your visit more 66 . ? Photography—including video camera is not allowed. During the Parades. Make sure that

your camera is 67 inside your bag, or in a bag provided, before walking down to the beach. 68 can be bought at proper price in the gift shop.

from, so, somewhere, cross, photo, little, enjoy, place, visit,for ? Smoking is not allowed 69 . ? And remember, the penguins are wild birds 70 please don’t try to touch them.、

八、单词拼写(共10小题,计10分) 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)。

71. Children must be t______ to be careful of traffic

72.It's too e_________ and anyway the color doesn't suit you. 73.Don't alwasys b______what you read in the papers.

74.Time has not been kind to her, she is no l______ as beautiful as she was. 75.I can’t finish the work a_____. I need your help. 76.These days she is c________ for her sick grandfather. 77.We o_____ him a lift but he didn’t accept.

78.I haven’t been to New York before. N______ has my sister. 79.Can’t you keep the children q______? I’m trying to concentrate. 80.It was a big m_______ to leave my umbrella at home this morning.



From chenming@163

Subject What a good friend should be like?


From: Sammy@wide.ac.uk. Subject: What a good friend should be like? Hi,How are you? I know you have a lot of good friends. What a friend should be like? Should good friends have the same hobby as you? Should good friends be good at study? Or should good friends be kind and helpful to others? Please e-mail me and let me know.

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