
新概念一课堂笔记40 Lesson79 Carol's shopping list


n. shopping list vegetable thing money groceries fruit stationery newsagent chemist


TOM: What are you doing, Carol? CAROL: I'm making a shopping list, Tom. TOM: What do we need? CAROL: We need a lot of things this week. CAROL: I must go to the grocer’s . We haven't got much tea or coffee, and we haven't got any sugar or jam. TOM: What about vegetables? CAROL:I must go to the greengrocer's. We haven't got many tomatoes, but we've got a lot of potatoes. CAROL: I must go to the butcher’s , too. We need some meat. We have n’t got any meat at all . TOM: Have we got any beer and wine? CAROL: No, we haven’t. And I'm not going to get any ! TOM: I hope that you've got some money. CAROL: I haven't got much. TOM: Well, I haven't got much either !

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v. need hope

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