新编大学英语第三版视听说教程2答案(外研社)Unit 6

Unit6 Food


Part 1 listening Ⅰ


1-5:BDACB 2: 1、 226 2、7:30 3、orange 4、grapefruit 5、bacon 6、eggs 7、tomatoes

8、two soft-boiled eggs 9、toast 10、butter 11、lemon tea

Listening Ⅱ1:

1、 take out cardboard plastic



2、 board available food items microphone 20


3、 knives forks everything tray 2: 1-5:FTFFT

Listening Ⅲ


1、The big bakes black bread 2、 is better buttered

3、cheap chip shop sells cheap chips 4、fish

Fish fried fresh Fresh fried fish Fresh fish fried

fish fresh fried 5、 proper cup of coffee

proper coffee pot a cup of coffee proper coffee pot

coffee pots Iron coffee pots Proper cup of coffee Proper copper coffee pot cup of tea

Listen Ⅳ

1: 1-5:TTTFT 2: 1、 500 2、 1493

3、 corns sweet potatoes pineapples 4、 realize full

5、 exercise perform better burns

Part 2


A B D F G H√ 2:

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