(人教新起点)二年级英语上册 期末复习试题(五)


一、 单词填空

1. Does his sister h_________ a pen friend? 2. Can John play t_________? 3. Let’s go and play v_________? 4. —Do you like _________ (运动)?

5. —Does he have a s_________ ball ? 6. It’s an _________(有趣的) photo.

7. We are in the s_______ school. 8. She _________TV every night. 9. _________ (让) me have a look at your notebook. 10. Does your teacher like _________(玩;打) basketball?

11.Are these your _____________ (同学)? 12. The book is b______. I don’t like it.

13. Math is a little _________ (难). 14. I think English is _________ (简单)。

15. That sounds r_________, I’d like to join you. 二、翻译句子

1. 我们上学迟到了。____________________________________. 2. Tom 有棒球吗?______________________________________ 3. 我们打篮球吧! _____________________________________ 4.

__________________________________________ 5.

___________________________________________________ 三、课文填空

I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan ______. We go to the _______ school and we ______ soccer. We play it at school ______ our friends. It’s _________. I have two soccer _________,three volleyballs, four basketballls,and five baseballls and ______. I love _______, but I don’t play _______---I ______ watch them ____ TV.Soccer is _______,but ping-pong is

easy _____ me. _______ class I play ping-pong with my classmates. 四、句型转换

1. Do you have a soccer ball? (作肯定回答) __________________________ 2.






3. Tom has a picture of his family in his room. (同意句) _____ ____ a picture of Tom’s family _____ ______ _______. 4.







5. She has many photos of Tao Zhe. (对划线部分提问) ________________________ 五、完形填空。

Sally is __1__ English girl. She is 13. She _2__ two brothers. They __3__ Dave and Paul. They all like __4__. Sally __5__ ping-pong. Dave likes _6__, too. __7__ Paul doesn’t like ping-pong. He likes basketball. He has a __8__ sports collection. He has two basketballs, a tennis racket, a soccer ball and a baseball. After school Sally and Dave __9_ ping-pong. And Paul plays basketball with his friends __10__. ( ) 1. A. a

B. an

C. the D. / C. am D. be

( ) 2. A. have B. has C. is D. does ( ) 3. A. are B. is

( ) 4. A. play B. plays C. sports D. sport ( ) 5. A. likes B. like C. play D. plays ( ) 6. A. basketball B. volleyball C. ping-pong D. baseball ( ) 7. A. And ( ) 8. A. great ( ) 9. A. do every day’s 六、阅读理解

One day after school the teacher says to his students,”tomorrow if anyone of you can answer my first question,he or she can go home early.” The next day,when the teacher comes into the classroom,he finds the blackboard very

B. But C. Or D. So

B. good C. big B. does C. play

D. more D. plays

( ) 10. A. every day B. everyday C. everyday’s D.

dirty. He is angry and asks:”Who did it?Please stand up.” “It’s me.” says Bob,”Now,I can go home.Good-bye, sir!” ( ) 1. Bob is the teacher’s _______.

A. Friend B. student C. brother D. Son ( ) 2. Bob makes ______ dirty.

A. the desk B. the chair C. the window D. the blackboard ( ) 3. The teacher is very angry because ___________

A. Bob can answer his first question. B. Bob doesn’t stand up. C. the blackboard is very dirty. D. the classroom is clean ( ) 4. The teacher asks the student who makes the blackboard dirty to_____

A. stand up B. sit down C. go home D. clean the blackboard ( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. It’s good for Bob to do it. B. Bob is late for school.

C. Bob goes home early every day. D. Bob is a naughty (淘气的) boy.

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