

______________________ 正确答案: N 30. ______________________ 正确答案: F Section B Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Careers for women should not be any different from careers for men. Decisions about gainful and satisfying employment for women should be made on the basis of individual interest and abilities. A variety of factors can help women find better jobs. Women need better career planning and counseling. They should be encouraged to develop personal goals that will enable them to compete for good jobs in light of their


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abilities, desires and training. Career guidance should begin at the junior high school level, or even at the elementary school level, with the assistance of counselors, teachers and parents. Some women must change their career aspirations. Since openings in the usual women’s occupations will not be sufficient to supply jobs for all women seeking work, they must choose alternatives in other occupations. Many of these jobs may pay higher wages and offer greater opportunities for promotion. In the past, too many women were forced to settle for second best. Others were willing to settle for inferior jobs because they felt that their stay in the labor force would be temporary. However, the situation is changing as more and more women become aware of the possibility of combining the roles of wife, mother, and homemaker with that of paid worker.


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Employer’s attitudes about women’s roles and desires to work need to be changed. Perhaps, the overriding factors and the myths that employers, policymakers, and others in our society have unfairly associated with the work patterns of women. One such myth is that women are not seriously attached to the labor force, as they work only for pocket money. However, one recent study shows that of the 33 million women in the labor force, more than half are working because of pressing economic needs. These women comprise a group who are either single, widowed, divorced, separated, or married to men with incomes of less than $ 5,000 a year. Women constitute nearly two fifths of the work force. However, because of foregone conclusions about their interests and abilities, women are unfairly restricted in the kinds of jobs they hold. Their concentration in the less rewarding, lower


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paying occupations with fewer chances for advancement. Personal choice in the world of work will begin to become a reality when the guidance counselor, the shop teacher, the plant employer, and women themselves are able to develop an appreciation for the differences in personal abilities and desires. 31. Which of the following is the thing that the author advises women to do? A) To stay at home and become proficient with domestic work. B) To take jobs reserved for men when other jobs are unavailable. C) To remain in jobs usually dominated by women. D) To settle for second best jobs. 正确答案: B 32. According to this essay, women have often settled for inferior jobs because _____. A) they only work for pocket money B) they do not expect to work very long C) employers have put much emphasis on factory laborers D) they think they are


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inferior to men 正确答案: B 33. According to the essay, which one is not mentioned? A) Women should appreciate their desires and personalities in choosing jobs for themselves. B) Women should plan their careers and consult others. C) Women should apply for jobs which offer higher pay and promotion. D) Women should, first of all, be good housewives whatever they do, or wherever they aim . 正确答案: D 34. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this essay? A) Equality for men and women in employment is easier said than done. B) There should not be any difference between careers for men and women. C) Women should not have a sense of inferiority. D) Women are being treated unfairly in employment. 正确答案: B 35. Which is stated that is beneficial and


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