
学习必备 欢迎下载

1.—Did you hear the rain?

--- ___D___ . A.Until30minutes B.Until30minuteslater C.Not until 30 minutes D.Not until 30 minutes later 2.Mr Green has been in China ___B___ three years ago. A. for B. since C. before D. after 3.____A____ it snows,________ I feel.

A. The more heavily; the happier B. Heavier; happier C. The heavy; the happy D. More; better

4.I like reading books ___D___ pictures in them. A. have B. has C. of D. with

5.Who did the teacher make ___C___ an article for the wall newspaper just now ? A. written B. writing C. write D. to write

1.She was so careful that she made only __A__ mistakes . A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 2.Emma prefers__A___ to ______. A. reading, writing B. to read, write C. reading, write D. read, write

3.—May I borrow a pen from you ? --- Sure. ___A___. A. Help yourself B. That’s right C. It doesn’t matter

4.“Would you mind lending me your radio?” “___B___” A. Never mind. B. Certainly not. Here you are. C. No, my radio is bad D. No, thanks.

5.Green teas are ___C__from China and Japan. A. almost B. nearly C.mostly D. greatly

1. When your homework ____A____, you may watch TV.

A. is done B. was done C. will be done D. has done 2. — I’m feeling much better. — ___A___.

A. I’m glad to hear that B. I’m sorry to hear that C. It’s a good thing D. I’m glad it’s better 3. —Could you __B_your bike to me? —OK. Please give it back soon.

A. borrow B. lend C. lent D. borrowing 4. Lucy with her brothers __C___a kite now.

A. are flying B. flying C. is flying D. fly

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1.It seemed __C__that she had made the same mistakes. A.surprised B.surprise C.surprising D.to surprise 2. --Could you tell me ___B__ the Bamboo Garden? --The day after tomorrow, I think.

A.when will you visit B. when you will visit

C. when would you visit D. when you would visit 3.The watch is so nice,but it ____C____ too much. A.spends B.takes C.costs D.pays

4.—Miss Liu is very busy.—___D___. does so B. So she does C. So does she D. So she is 5.__B_ my aunt comes to stay with us for __ in our home town. A. Sometime, sometimes B. Sometimes, some time C. Some time, sometimes D. Sometime, sometime

1.___ all the students in his class, Xiao Ming writes__A_.

A. Of, most carefully B. In, the most careful carefully D. In, much more carefully 2.He is ___B_____to give us a hand.

A. hoped B. supposed C. agreed D. promised 3.To speak English freely, _____C_____ . A. a lot of speaking should B. more speaking is necessary C. you should do more D. English should be spoken very often __B__ hard and you will catch up with your classmates. A. To work B. Work C. If you work D. Working —How long has he had that nice car? —__B__ 2001. A. In B. Since C. From D. After

1.—Will you go shopping tonight? —If you go,_B_. A. so do I B.so will I C.so I go D.that I'll go 2.The tiger was caught __D__ one day. A. lively B. living C. live D. alive

3. I found him __C____ in playing basketball. A.is interested B.was interested C.interested D.interesting 4.He made me ___C___.

A. excite B. be excited C. excited D. exciting 5.Excuse me, __B___ where is the nearest hospital?

A. She C. Of, very be done speaking 4. 学习必备 欢迎下载

and B. but C. that D. so

6.__A__ of the students are coming to visit our country.

A.Two hundred B.Two thousands C.Hundreds D.Hundred

1. -The artist has got __B_much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife with the housework.

-That’s true. Even on Sundays he is busy with his work. A.too B.so C.very D.such 2.We have ___A___ more exercises to do . A. many B. much C. quite D. very

3.The two friends were _A_pleased to see each other that they forgot everything. A. so B. too C. very d. much

4.Everyone except Tom and John ___B___ there when the meeting began. A. is B. was C. are D. were

1.Which do you enjoy_C_the weekends, fishing or watching TV? A. spent B. spending C. to spend D. spend 2. —Must we move to the next room ?

—No, you C . You may still live here if you like. A mustn’t B don’t C don’t have to D won’t

3.There are a lot __D___people in the park today than yesterday. A. of B. most C. / D. more

4. The egg has __B___ there for over two days. A. lay B. lain C. laid D. lie

5.Beijing has __A__many buses that there is often a traffic jam in rush hours. so B. very C. too D. much

1.Lin Tao's uncle __D__ for almost five years. A.has left home B.has come to Jinan

C.has been to America D.has been a doctor

2 Mary went abroad _B_ the purpose of getting__ education.

A. for, farther B. for, further C. on, farther D. on, further 3.It’s more ___A___ to go hiking.

A. fun B. funny C. funs D. much fun

4.-He isn’t a teacher, is he? - ___B__ He works in a hospital.

5.-Alice, why didn’t you come here yesterday?

-I __C__ ,but my son suddenly fell ill and I had to take him to the hospital.


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