2011年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛(C类)试卷及答案 - 图文


Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.

Not keen on reading? Do you have trouble finding a novel that arouses your interest? Why not follow Ammon Shea's example and start reading a dictionary?

Mr Shea owns over 1,000 dictionaries and he reads them for fun. He recently spent a year reading all 20 volumes of the Oxford English Dictionary. The dictionary contains more than 20,000 pages and over 59 million words.

As he read from A to Z, he noted down interesting words in a ledger. This includes words such as \someone happy and \means to dance, skip or leap for joy. Mr Shea also kept a diary about this

experience, which has since become a best---selling book.

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Why did he do this? He claims it was fun. \

dictionaries . They are far more interesting than people give then credit for,\ It appears that it was not his goal to sound more intelligent by using longer and more complex words. \fancy or obscure words, but I'm opposed to using then for their own sake,\ In fact ,as a result of reading so many new words , Mr Shea often forgot

everyday vocabulary. He wrote, \was so full of words that I often had trouble forming simple sentences.\ Mr Shea is not alone in his love of reading dictionaries.Elaine Higgleton, a representative of Collins Cbuild

dictionaries, explained that thousands of crossword puzzle and Srabble fans read dictionaries for fun and to improve their games. Ms Higgleton did however note that, \

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learn English ,and you'd learn more than you need.\the 59 million words Ms Shea remembers, but he has certainly made history with his eccentric hobby.

Questions 61 to 65.

Decide whether the following statements are True or False.

61. Mr Shea has read 1.000 dictionaries. 62. Mr Shea spent one month reading the Oxford English Dictionary.

63. In Mr Shea's opinion,people don't give dictionaries enough credit for being interesting.

64. Mr Shea thinks it is important t be able to use long and complicated words in everyday conversation.

65. Elaine Higgleton thinks that reading a dictionary is the best way to learn English. Section B (10 marks)

Questions 66 to 70are based on the

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following passage.

Surfing is something people often get hooked on after trying it a few times. For many surfers it is much more than a hobby---they would probably agree with the American professional surfer Kelly Slater when he said,\in. There's no getting out.\

\ocean waves using a surfboard. Many surfers stand up on their boards, which requires god balance and is therefore difficult for most beginners to learn, but some lie down and \

The history of surfing probably began with the Polynesian people of the Pacific Islands. One of the first white people to see anyone surfing was the British explorer Captain Gook, when his ship arrived in Hawaii in 1779. He watched many Hawaiians riding waves on large

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