三年级下册英语教案-Unit 5 How old are you? 译林版 (三起)

Unit 5 How old are you?


1.学生能听懂,会说,会读,会写数字1-10.能听懂,会读数字0,11,12. 2.学生能正确运用How old are you?来询问对方年龄,并且会用I’m...或者I’m ...years old.进行回答。

3.学生能正确运用How old is he/she/your...?来询问他人的年龄,并且会用He’s/She’s...(years old)进行回答。 4.学生能正确运用This ...is for ...

5.学生能在正确的情境中运用You’re right.和You’re out.

6.学生能听懂、会说、字母S在单词中发的/s/音,并且发音准确。 【重点难点】

单词:1~10, right, out, fall, ground 句型:How old are you? I’m ..(years old). How old is he/she/your...?He’s/She’s...(years old) This...is for .... Turn round and round. Don’t fall to the ground.

语音:字母s在单词中发的/s/音 难点

句型:How old is he/she/your...?He’s/She’s...(years old) Turn round and round的节奏把握.

Don’t fall to the ground的节奏把握以及读音.

语音:字母s在单词中的发音。 【教具准备】

教学准备 板书、板贴、多媒体课件、数字卡片、小练习纸。 【教学过程】

Step 1: Warm up

1.Sing a song【设计意图:这首歌曲一方面是调动上课气氛,另一方面为后面拓展学习zero做铺垫】

2.Free talk T:Hello, How old are you? S1:I’m ten. T:How old are you? S2:I’m nine. T:How old is she? Ss:She’s nine. S3:How old are you? S4:I’m eleven. T:How old is he?

Ss:He’s eleven. (请2-3位学生下座位询问)

【设计意图:通过教师先用How old are you? 询问,来唤醒学生第一课时的知识点,让学生下位置去问其他同学的年龄,鼓励学生运用第一课时的重点句型。其中又通过教师询问How old is he/she?一方面检查学生是否认真听他人回答,另一方面为本节课的拓展How old is...进行铺垫】

Step2: Review

Review numbers T:Look!(每张图片都提示了一个字母,试试看,你能想出隐藏了哪些数字单词吗?)

【设计意图:通过图片调动学生想象力,在趣味中复习数字】 2.Review story time

T:(Picture 1)Where are they? S5:They’re in Toy Museum. T:What did Helen say? S6:How lovely! Ss read pic1 together. T:(picture2) What did she ask? S7:How old are you? T:Good! How old is he?

Ss:He’s nine./He’s nine years old. (师板书he, he’s) T:(picture3) What did she say? S8:This is for you.

T:Mike gets a robot. What would he say? S9:How cool/nice/...! T:Great.

Ss read pic2 &3together. T:(picture4) How old are they? S10:I’m eight. I’m two. T:(师指Helen) How old is she?

S11.She’s eight (years old) (师板书she, she’s) Ss read pic 4 together. T:(picture5) What did she say? S12:Here you are. T:What’s “Here you are”? Ss:给你。

T:What would Helen and Tim say? S13:How...! Ss read pic 5 together.

【设计意图:在复习story time的过程中让学生用How...!感叹句对文本进行能力范围内的补充,帮助学生在语境中恰当使用感叹句。此外,在复习的过程中教师

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