test paper



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一.Arrange word or group of words correctly.(按正确语序排列这些词和词组) 2′×5=10′

1.The film I enjoyed yesterday.

_________________________________________________________ 2.My mother to market went .

__________________________________________________________ 3.This morning a book I from the library borrowed.

___________________________________________________________ 4.Take part in across an important race he will the Atlantic

____________________________________________________________ 5.Mr. Harmsworth told me would see me that the secretary.


二.Give the correct from of each verb.(写出这些动词的正确形式)2′×5=10′

1. What did you ______ (buy)yesterday?

2. Up till now, he never ______(lend)me anything.

3. ______you(burn)those old papers yet?

4. He ______(fight)in Flanders in the First World War.

5. We just ______(win)the match.

三.The verbs in parentheses tell us what is happening now and what always happens.Give the

correct form of each verb.(括号中的动词告诉我们现在正在进行和经常发生的动作。写出这些动词的正确形式) 2′×5=10′

I (look)____________out of my window. I can see some children in the street.The children

(play)____________football.They always (play)____________football in the street.Now a little

boy(kick)____________the ball.Another boy (run)__________after him but he cannot catch him.

四.The verbs in parentheses tell us what has happened .Give the correct form of esch verb.(括号


I just (receive)_________a letter from my brother Tim. He is in Australia. He (be)_________there

for six months.Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he already (visit)_________ a

great number of different places in Australia. He just (buy) _________ an Australia car and

(go)_________ to Alice Springs.

五.Choose the right answer & tick √(选择正确的词画√)2′×5=10′

1.(By the way) (On the way)have you seen Tom lately?

2.I (borrowed) (lent) this book from the library.

3.Can you (ask) (ask for) questions in English?

4.I like staying at (house) (home) during the weekend.

5.That tree has (grown) (grown up) a lot since I last saw it.

六.Give the correct form of the words in parentheses ,supply “than”where


1. It is __________(unusual) film I have ever seen.

2. Mr.Jones is a __________(good) teacher __________Mr.Brown.

3. She is __________(lazy) pupil in the class.

4. The weather today is __________(bad) __________ it was yesterday.

5. This book is ___________(interesting) __________ that one.

七.Supply the correct words in the following sentences.用正确的词填空2′×5=10′

1. He has gone abroad.He will return ________ two year’s time.

2. ________Saturdays I always go to the market.


3. My birthday is ________November 7 .I was born ________1988.

4. The days are very short________December.

5. We arrived at the village late ________night.We left early ________the morning.

八.Read and answer the question.读一读并回答问题。5′×6=30′

I entered the hotel manager’s office and sat down. I had just lost £50 and I felt very upset.(不安)“I left the money in my room”,I said .“and it’s not there now”.The manager was sympathetic(表示同情的),but he could do nothing.“everyone’s losingmoney these days”, he said . He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained £50. “I found this outside this gentleman’s room”, she said .“Well”,I said to the manager.“there is still some honesty in this world”!

1. How much money had you just lost?


2. How did you feel?


3. Did you tell the manager about it or not?


4. Who came in with the money just then?


5. Where had she found it?


6. Is there still some honesty in this world or not?


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