北京市通州区2018- 2019学年第二学期初三英语三模(Word版含答案)

who couldn’t get married because of their parents. Other tragedies include Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth. If you’ve seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, you’ll recognize “hubble bubble boil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble” which is sung in the Great Hall. These words just come from Macbeth!

Shakespeare’s comedies include Much Ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Twelfth Night. In Twelfth Night, everybody falls in love with the wrong person, but it is all made right in the end.

The history plays, such as Antony and Cleopatra, Richard III and Henry V are based on the lives of real historical people. Antony and Cleopatra is a story that happened in ancient Egypt. Anthony loved Cleopatra so much. Both of them died after the Egypt army was beaten in the war.

Shakespeare’s plays can be very heavy going sometimes. Some of the topics they deal with are heavy and complex, so they almost always have a lighter subplot (次要情节) with characters who don’t have close relationships with the characters in the main plot. They are often used in tragedies to lighten the mood (气氛) of the play and to keep the readers interested in the main plot. 24. Which play is one of Shakespeare’s comedies?

A. Macbeth.

B. Henry V.

C. Twelfth Night. D. Hamlet.

25. Shakespeare often used ______ to make his tragedies feel not so heavy.

A. love stories C. strange words

B. real historical people D. characters in a light subplot

26. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. History of Shakespeare Day.

C Bilingualism

Being the mother of two bilingual children and the teacher of French and English bilingual children, the subject of bilingualism is very important to me.

What is a bilingual child? Let me take the example of my daughter. At two and a half she has already had the concept of “Daddy speaks French and Mummy speaks English.” This is what makes it possible for her to communicate with the people around her no matter whether they are French or English.

In our case it is reasonable that with an English mother and French father our children should

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B. Information about Shakespeare. D. Introduction to Shakespeare’s plays.

C. Topics of Shakespeare’s poems.

be able to use both languages to communicate, not only with us but with their grandparents and other relatives. On the other hand, learning two or more languages, like Chinese and German helps children to accept cultures other than their own.

There may be a dominant(支配的) language and this will normally depend on the country you live in or the language your child uses most at school. However, it will also depend on what language is spoken in the home. We lived in France and most of the time we spoke French at home but I also speak to my children in English. They know that their English aunt will always speak to them in English and they should speak to her in English, too.

Of course it can be very difficult for people around you to support what you do. Grandparents can be upset if they don’t understand what you’re saying to their grandchild and worry that they will never be able to communicate with them.

Another problem we have faced was when our daughter refused to listen to either of us. A psychologist advised us that as there wasn’t a common language at home between the parents and child, I should stop speaking English and spend the weekend speaking only in French. Thankfully I decided to pay no attention to the advice and continued to speak English at home!

I also know of one child who had problems at school because his friends made fun of him. His parents finally gave up speaking English to him. Unluckily children can be unfriendly, and differences, whatever they may be, are often a source of bullying(欺凌). Differences need to be valued.

27. The underlined word bilingual in Paragraph 2 probably means “______”.

A. using two languages C. knowing more cultures

B. living in two countries D. speaking mother language

28. According to Paragraph 3, the writer may agree that children ______.

A. accept cultures more easily

B. can get benefits from bilingualism

C. should learn some skills of communication D. should speak with their grandparents often 29. The last three paragraphs mainly tell us about ______.

A. the difficulties in languages learning


Psychology professor Victor Benassi at the University of New Hampshire has been experimenting with ways to use data analytics (数据分析) to make technology more effective in the classroom.

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B. the differences among bilingual children

C. some problems the bilingual children meet D. some advice on helping bilingual children

In one study, Benassi proved that PowerPoint presentations with animation (动画), colorful backgrounds and unrelated photographs can direct students’ attention away from the lessons.

To show the influence presentation design can have on student learning, Benassi carried out a study in which he asked volunteers to give their PowerPoint slides to him. He then redesigned half the slides in professors’ presentations by cutting anything extra, breaking materials into smaller parts and adding necessary pictures or graphs to explain text. The result? The percentage of correct answers to tests at the end of each class was 14% higher for questions about material presented in the redesigned slides compared with those about materials presented in the original (原始的) slides. The changes improved students’ long-term retention, too, and because of the increased sharp memories, in the mid-term exams there was a 10-point difference between questions based on material presented in redesigned versus original slides.

Using data to check learning and improve teaching is especially important as education faces calls for greater answerableness for student success, said Linda Baer, PhD, founder of a higher education firm called i4 Solutions.

When professors collect and analyze data quite often, they can decide when students are at risk for failure, and even can help students considering a change in majors, said Baer.

Of course, the real thing is what to do with the information you find, she said. “The problem is that many times we look at the data to see how everybody did at the end of the term instead of looking throughout the term and understanding how things are going early enough to do something about it,” she said.

“No matter what level you apply analytics to”, said Baer, “the goal is to better the situation.” Take one program, where students often dropped out when they hit the required physiology (生理学) class. Analysis showed the problem wasn’t how difficult the class was for these nontraditional students, but the 3p.m. time when it was offered. “What happens at 3:00? Kids get out of school,” said Baer. “People weren’t completing the program because the course was offered at a time that wasn’t easy for them to get to.”

Using data to see who’s making steady progress toward graduation and who’s in trouble can be as simple as tracking attendance (追踪出勤) and calling students who don’t show up, said Baer. Learning and course management systems can help professors track attendance and student attentiveness, said Baer. Yet professors are not using such tools well enough, she said, using a 2012 case study in Educaitonal Technology & Society that found that at least 70% of the professors at a

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large research-based university weren’t using them.

30. Victor Benassi found in a study that PowerPoint presentations ______.

A. reduce the time students take to understand the lessons greatly B. with unrelated photographs may direct students from the lessons C. with colorful backgrounds can arouse students’ interest in the lessons D. help students get more attention from professors and achieve success 31. What does the underlined word “retention” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Ability to keep things in memory. C. Interest in what they are learning.

B. Ability to focus on one’s lessons. D. Interest in asking open questions.

32. Students dropped out of the required physiology class because ______.

A. the lessons were too boring to bear

B. the class was too difficult for the students D. the class time was not liked by the students

C. the teacher was too strict with the students

33. The author writes the passage in order to ______.

A. discuss whether data analysis can help students make progress B. introduce ways to collect data and measure students’ progress quickly C. argue professors use data analysis more and give students timely instructions D. explain the importance and popularity of data analysis in teaching and learning


Maya Penn, 14 years old, set up her eco-fashion line, Maya’s Ideas, when she was eight years old. She has spent much of the past six years designing and hand-making clothing out of cotton, bamboo, silk and wool. “No matter how big my collection grows,” she says, “I will always use eco-friendly materials to make the products.”

She gives 10 to 20 percent of her company’s profits (利润) to some non-profit organizations (组织). In 2011, when she had too many ideas to have them in a clothing line, she founded her own non-profit organization, Maya’s Ideas for the Planet. Her sincere hope is to encourage others. Maya’s message is that you (yes, you!) can make a difference, no matter how small. We do not all have to design clothing lines and start non-profit organizations by the time we’re 14.

A few years ago, when she read about a local reuse-and-recycle event in the newspapers, she made flyers to put up around the city even though she was not the organizer. Now, she often visits schools to talk to students about environmental problems. Luckily for the planet, her creativity and interest for life is focused on environment protection. She has written two children’s books with

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