三年级英语下册 Unit 9 A Fruit Salad(2)教案 新世纪版

新世纪版三年级英语下册教案Unit 9 A Fruit Salad


1.能简单介绍自己喜欢吃的水果。 2.能用there be 句子操练。

3.听懂或读懂某个场所的 简单话语。(pair work) 二、知识目标: 1.学习掌握单词8个。 2.能用8个单词造句。

3.学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识 There be.........

4.听、读后能理解课文内容,完成Language Lab 中的练习。 5.了解Disneyland, kids palace 中的语法内容。 三、情感目标:

通过学习,教育学生喜欢各种水果 四、学习策略目标:

在学习过程中做pair / group work 时要积极开动脑筋,介绍自己记忆单词的方法,培养合作完成的意识。 五、文化目标: 了解there be 的用法。 难点分析

there be 与 has got, have got的区别。

第一课时 Wonderland


一、基本目标: (1) Learn to express these fruits in English: apple, peach, banana, orange,

pineapple, lemon, grapes.

(2) Pronounce and spell the new words properly.

(3) Using the sentences the students learned before.


Make some simple sentences with these new words.

Let the students be able to ask and answer about these words. 教学过程 课前准备

1. Say the rhyme: The beautiful world. 2. Daily talk:


Pre-task preparation 1. an apple, an orange

1)Show an apple, an orange and present the new words. T: What’s in my hand? There’s an apple. Do you like apples/oranges? 2)Read and spell the new words. 3)Make some sentences.

4) Questions: What’s in....? There’s...... 2. a pear, a peach, a pineapple, a lemon

1) Show a basketball. In it there are some fruits. T: Look, what’s in the basketball?

There’s a pear /a peach, a pineapple/ a lemon. T: Which do you like best? 2) Smell and taste them. 3) Read and spell the new words. 4) Work in pairs using this sentence: What’s in.....? There’s...... 5) Key point:

“Apple/ orange” the first letter’s pronunciation is vowel, so its front add “an” “pear, peach, lemon” the first letter’s pronunciation is consonant. So each front add “a”

3. bananas, grapes 1) Show the picture. T: What are these?

What’s in the picture? There are some..... T: What colour?

Are the bananas/the grapes? 2) Smell and taste them. 3) Key points.

“If there are many fruits,” The word’s ending add “s” “es” 4)Work in Pairs: Using these sentences. What’s in (on)....? There’s /There are..... What colour is/are this /these? 3. Practise:


A: Take out your fruits and work in pairs: B: Listen to the tape.

C: Listen and circle the words (student’s work book)

第二课时 Grand Theatre Fruit Salad


基本目标:(1) Review the sentence: What’s in (on)...? There’s /there are... (2) Learn the sentence: Let’s make a salad/Bring them here, please. (3) Mime and act out the dialogue.

发展目标:Using these sentences in different situation. 教学过程

一、(1) Warming up: Read rhyme.

(2) Daily talk: Look at the picture and talk about it. (3) Review fruits name. 二、授课

1)Show picture of the kitchen. T: What are they doing? They are making a salad.

T: Now let’s make a salad. What salad?

T: Fruits salad. What’s the Chinese for “salad”? T: Do you like salad? Have you ever eaten salad? (read after the teacher) 2) Continue to show the picture T: What’s this? It’s fridge. Who can see a fridge?

Is there a fridge in your family?

How many fridges are there in your family? T: What’s in the fridge?

Let’s have a look. Oh, there’s one apple, one pear and one banana. 3) Teacher takes out a fruit box.

Let the pupils ask and answer with each other. Read after the teacher. 4) Continue to show the picture.

T: Let thee pupil bring them here. What’s the Chinese for this sentence?


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