毕业论文-基于Java Web的在线考试系统的设计与实现

毕 业 论 文

题 目: Java Web应用开发——


学 院: 计算机与信息工程学院

专 业: 软件工程

学生姓名: 许丽帆 班级/学号 软工091123205

指导老师/督导老师: 赵海华


摘 要

随着网络技术的发展,远程教育和网上考试成为网络应用的一个重要方面。近几年,在线考试特别是基于Web 的在线考试系统受到越来越多的人青睐。

本次毕业设计的题目是在线模拟考试系统的设计与实现,系统采用浏览器/服务器模式开发,包括登录注册、在线考试、试卷设置、试题管理、分数的统计以及成绩查询等功能。系统运行在Windows 7操作系统上,以Tomcat作为Web服务器,使用JSP技术和MySQL 数据库实现。






With the development of networking technology, online examination and distance education is an aspect in the application of internet. In recent years the on-line examination especial of Web-based examination is more and more popular.

The graduation project’s subject is to design and realization of the online examination system. The system uses the browser/server to develop. It includes login, new user registration, on-line examination, examination paper set, examination paper management, score statistics ,query results and other functional. The system takes the Windows 7 as the OS,Tomcat as the web Server, uses JSP technology and MySQL as the Database Server development tools to realize the system.

In this paper, the requirement analysis about the online examination system is introduced, and then give the system design and implementation .Finally, all of the functions of the system is tested.

Keywords: On-line Examination;Browse/Server;JSP;MySQL;JDBC;


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