高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection单元测试 新人教版必修2

Unit 4 Wildlife Protection

1.【原创】If no measures are taken, the special wild plant will ________ some day. A.die out B.die away C.die down D.die off 【解析】die out “渐渐消亡”; die away “(声音、光线、风等)逐渐消失”; die down “(火、情绪、风暴等)由强变弱”; die off “(家族、种族等)相继死亡”。 【答案】A

【教材原句】As a result these endangered animals may even die out. 2. 【原创】He writing a new book these days. A has been employed in B is employed in C was employed in D is emplying

【解析】be employed in “忙于。。。”。根据时间状语 these days用现在完成时。 【答案】A

【教材原句】Can they be employed to work in the park and not hurt the animals? 3.【2012?四川省自贡市高三第一次诊断性考试】As you know,it is my duty to________my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in danger. A.prevent B.save C.stop D.protect

【解析】句意为:你们知道,保护小妹妹们在危险之时不受伤害是我的职责。prevent阻止;save挽救,节省;stop阻止;protect保护。 【答案】D

【教材原句】I'm protecting myself from mosquitoes.

4. 【2013·临沂市质量检测】With no better way to express feelings of love and________,it’s easy to see why everyone turns to a flower shop on Mother’s Day. A.appreciation B.inspiration C.satisfaction D.ambition

【解析】考查名词。appreciation感激,欣赏;inspiration激励;satisfaction满足,满意;ambition抱负,野心。句意为:因为没有更好的表达爱和感恩的方式,这就很容易明白为什么在母亲节大家都去花店。 【答案】A

【教材原句】You should pay more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.

5. 【2012·河南六市联考】Hearing the disappointing news,he was too sad to________himself.

A.contain B.include C.manage D.command

【解析】考查动词词义辨析。contain oneself意为“控制……情绪”。 【答案】A

【教材原句】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.

6. 【2012?福州模拟】—Was it in April, 1970 that China ________ sending its first satellite into space? —Yes, that's right.

A.succeeded in B.managed to C.attempted in D.tried to


【解析】根据语境可知选A, succeed in doing sth.表示“成功做某事”。 【答案】A

【教材原句】What must be done if wildlife protection is to succeed?

7. 【2012?青岛模拟】Most children need encouragement in time of failure ________ they can cheer up again.

A.so that B.in case C.because D.if

【解析】句意:失败时,大多数孩子需要鼓励,这样他们才能再次振作起来。so that “以致于”,引导目的状语从句; in case “以防万一”。 【答案】A 【教材原句】The flying carpet traveled so fast that next minute they were in Zimbabwe. 本单元语法


8. 【2013届河北省衡水中学第一次调研】—I have just received another message, telling me I have won a big prize. —Don't jump on it. You ________.

A.should be cheated B.are being cheated C.are cheating D.must have cheated

【解析】句意:---我刚刚收到另一个信息,告诉我我中了奖。---别急于行动。你在被骗。 考查进行时的被动语态。看信息的时候就正在被骗。 【答案】B

9. 【2012·南通一模】Now the world's attention ________ the stocking markets, as they have great influence in the world's economy. A.is fixing on B.has fixed on

C.is being fixed on D.had been fixed on

【解析】attention和fix on之间是被动关系,故排除A、B两项,再根据Now,可知应用现在进行时的被动语态。 【答案】C

10. 【2012·上海交大附中模拟】You are not allowed to go into the meeting-room. A secret plan ________ there.

A.is being made B.is made C.was made D.is making

【解析】句意:你不被允许进入会议室。一个秘密计划正在那儿被制定。由句意知应选A项,表示被动及动作正在进行。 【答案】A


The banned sport of hare hunting is on the increase in certain parts of the country, the BBC has found. The blood sport was banned in England and Wales under the 2004 Hunting Act to protect the endangered brown hare.

But evidence suggests in some areas hares are still being hunted by illegal hunters. One illegal hare hunter spoken to by the BBC admits to invading private land since the law came into force in 2005 changed. \not cruel,\he said, \suppose it's gone more underground. Over the last year or so more people have come back into it. It's sort of on the increase again.\


hunting is now against the law, he said: \

A number of farmers say they have been threatened by illegal hare hunters. Farmer Mark Leggott, whose Lincolnshire farm is frequently invaded by illegal hare hunters, estimates the activity in the county alone has increased by 800% since the ban. He said: \(辱骂) that leaves you wondering whether you can go out at night. Threats such as 'we're going to burn your house down'.\

Hunters say they often hide behind holes in the law to avoid being caught. Pc Martin Green of Lincolnshire Police said: \the act came in, hare hunting was popular around the county. \the act came in, hare hunting fell a lot. They're not scared of the hunting act.\A spokesperson for the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs, said: \not prevent hunts from meeting and riding within the law\1. A defend B protect C ban D stop

2. A suggests B plans C believes D supposes 3. A hidden B frightening C illegal D terrifing 4. A allows B permits C forbids D admits 5. A force B power C fashion D being 6. A believe B suppose C imagine D realize 7. A if B and C or D but

8. A raise B decline C decrease D increase 9. A against B for C off D to

10. A works B farmers C hunters D officals 11. A involved B included C invaded D increased 12. A alive B lively C lonely D alone 13. A ban B law C rule D suggestion 14. A allowed B treated C crued D spoken 15. A which B where C that D when 16. A who B when C why D whether

17. A Arrangement B Advice C Comforts D Threats 18. A allow B lead C avoid D cause

19. A increased B fell C rose D raised 20. A scared B frightened C worried D lost 解析:

1. B 保护(protect)濒临灭绝的棕兔。Defend保卫;防御。

2. A 证据表明(suggest),在一些地区,一些非法的(illegal)猎人还在捕杀兔子。 3. C 从下句One illegal hare hunter中的illegal可知答案。 4. D 一个非法猎人承认(admits)。 5. A come into force 开始生效。

6. B 我认为(suppose)已经转入地下。 7. C or so 大约。

8. D on the increase在增加。 9. A against the low 违反法律。 10. B 由后句中的farmer可知答案。

11. C 他的农场经常受到非法猎人的侵略(invade)。


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