外研版高中英语必修3全套打包274-课堂15分钟达标练 Module 4 Period 4




Ⅰ. 根据汉语提示写出单词

1. Nowadays people use too many ________(化学药品)in their life, which is bad for the living conditions.

2. They’ve made an ________ (紧急的)request for international aid.

[来源:Z.xx.k.]3. We should pay more attention to the pollution of the ________ (大气). 4. Many people are worried about the pollution of ________ (环境). 5. He ________ (抱怨)to the manager about the poor service.


6. At the same time we are taking measures to ________ (保护)wild resources. 7. It was ________ (绝对地)impossible for him to go abroad yesterday. 8. More and more people are concerned about the ________ (污染的)air. 9. Do you have any ________ (证据)to support this statement? 10. Her parents are very ________ (担忧)about her behavior.

答案:1. chemicals 2. urgent 3. atmosphere 4. environment 5. plained 6. protect 7. absolutely 8. polluted 9. evidence 10. concerned Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. Early people ______ ______ ______ ______ (对……几乎没有多少影响)the environment.

2. The bus will change its direction, ______ ______ (如果必要的话). 3. He called the police because he ______ ______ ______ (担心)Tim’s safety.

4. I read the whole page without ______anything ______ (理解).

5. The lamp doesn’t ______ ______(发出)a lot of light, so the classroom is a little dark.

6. I must ______ ______ (仔细查看)these bills and check them before I pay them. 答案:1. had little effect on 2. if necessary 3. was concerned about 4. taking in 5. give out 6. look through Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空

[来源:ZXXK]1. The police are anxious to hear any information ______ (concern)his whereabouts. 2. At present America is taking some measures to ______ (strength)the economy. 3. In the nursing profession, women are in the ______ (major). 4. What is the most ______ (frighten)experience you’ve had?

5. Many customers made ______ (plain)about the bad service the hotel offered.

[来源:ZXXK]答案:1. concerning 2. strengthen 3. majority 4. frightening 5. plaints Ⅳ. 句型转换

1. Both diet and exercise affect blood pressure.

=Both diet and exercise ______ ______ ______ ______blood pressure. 2. In my opinion, what he said is not true at all.

= ______ ______ ______ ______ ______, what he said is not true at all. 3. It is the most interesting novel I’ve ever read. =I have never read ______ ______ ______novel.

4. If it is possible, he wanted proof before he would believe something. = ______ ______, he wanted proof before he would believe something. 5. He didn’t like the meal so he made a plaint to the manager of the restaurant.

=He didn’t like the meal so he ______ ______the manager of the restaurant. 答案:1. have an effect/influence on 2. As far as I’m concerned3. a more interesting 4. If possible 5. plained to



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