Part One Layout of Business Letters
I. Fill in the table with the proper parts listed below: Anhui Machinery & Equipment Imp. & Exp. Corp. Baiming Mansion, 528 Huizhou Road, Hefei, CHINA Tel: 0551- 2839333 Fax: 0551-2839332 E-mail: November 3, 2011 Messrs Smith & Co. 45 Paulista San Paulo, 999074 Brazil Attention: Import Dept. Dear Sirs, Parts and Components of Chery Automobile Thank you for your inquiry of March 2 about our parts and components of Chery Automobile. As requested, we are sending you our illustrated catalogue and price list. …… We trust you will like our products and look forward to meeting you soon in China. Yours faithfully, Zhang Dahai Zhang Dahai Manager Encl.: As stated CC: Sales Dept.
II. Address an envelope for the above letter.
Anhui Machinery & Equipment Imp. & Exp. Corp. (Stamp) Baiming Mansion 528 Huizhou Road Hefei, CHINA
Messrs Smith & Co.
45 Paulista
San Paulo, 999074 BRAZIL
By Airmail
III. Match the following words and phrases:
1. EMS g. 特快专递 2. Registered f. 挂号 3. Via Airmail a. 航空 4. Private c. 亲启 5. Confidential h. 机密 6. Sample i. 样品 7. Urgent b. 急件
8. Photo Inside j. 内有照片 9. With Compliments e. 赠品 10.Printed Matter d. 印刷品
Part Two Business Negotiation
Lesson 1 A Letter from an Exporter
I. Translate the following expressions from English into Chinese:
1. 开始;缔结 2. 业务关系 3. 从事??行业 4. 说明目录 5. 兹复 6. 盼望,期待
II. Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the words or expressions given below: 1. learned 2. prospective 3. enter 4. reputation 5. popular 6. catalogues 7. airmailed 8. products
III. Translate the following sentences from English into Chinese: 1. 我们从你方广告获悉你们出口彩色电视机。
2. 我们是最大的奶粉进口商,希望能与你们建立业务关系。 3. 多年来他们一直进口中国绿茶。
4. 福特夫人对我们的电脑很感兴趣,并将于下周来访。 5. 他们希望能在不久的将来与我们开展业务。
6. 从事这一行二十年,我们与本地的所有批发商关系良好。
IV. Translate the following sentences from Chinese into English:
1. We are pleased to learn from the newspaper that you are an exporter of bicycles. 2. An American company hopes to establish friendly business relations with us.
3. We have been in toy line for more than ten years and our annual export volume is more than US$50 million.
4. Please airmail a catalogue to us as soon as possible so that we can select suitable products. 5. If you find something interesting, please let us know. 6. The model you need enjoys great popularity abroad.
V. Read the following letter carefully and then translate it from English into Chinese: 敬启者:
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