Unit 3 错题再练

Unit 3 错题再练

一、 单项选择。30’

( ) 1.– Is there art room in your school? --- Yes, there is .

A. an; one B. an; a C. the; one D. one; the ( ) 2.-- is the new building? -- It looks modern.

A. What B. How C. Which D. Who ( ) 3. The man has books, but only of them are new.

A. much; some B. many; a few C. lots, a few D. many; few ( )4. Look! The boy there a nice watch in his hand.

A. is B. has C. is having D. have

( )5. --- Which is your daughter? ---- The girl a pink coat under the tree.

A. wears B. on C. in D. put on

( )6. Knowledge(知识) can help open up eyes to the outside world.

A. students’ B. student’s C. students D student’

( )7. There is a bus of our school gate and Lily is sitting of it.

A. in front; in the front B. in front; in front

C. in the front; in front D. in the front; in the front ( ) 8. --Would you like some tea? --- .

A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, please. D. No, please. ( ) 9. --- Sam, who teaches Chinese?

--- Mrs White. Chinese is very good.

A. you; Her B. your; Hers C. you; Him D. your; She

( )10. He usually stays at home on Sundays because he has friends in class.

A. a few B. not a C. lots of D. few ( )11. like to watch football games.

A. You, Tom and I B. I, you and Tom C. Tom, you and I D. You, I and Tom ( )12. He hopes go to Beijing for a trip.

A. he can B. him to C. he is D. to him ( )13. It him two hours the homework every day.

A. takes; doing B spends; doing C. takes; to do D. spends ; to do ( )14. --- is your e-dog? --- The one on the table.

A. What B. Which C. Where D. Who ( )15. --- ? --- It’s October 26.

A. What’s the time? B. What day is it today? C. When is it? D. What’s the date today?


A.根据句意、中英文提示或音标写出所缺单词。 1. Don’t stand behind the door. Come to the .

2.Would you please tell me the ['h?stri] of your school? 3.We have no lessons on (Saturdays and Sundays).

4.Do you often write l to your friends?

5.Nowadays it’s a m lifestyle to spend weekends in the countryside. 6.Can you see the newspaper on the (地面) ? Pick it up, please. 7.More and more students like to keep (日记)of their school lives. 8.Where do you come from? --- [?pɑ?dn] ? I can’t hear you. 9.—Excuse me , can I b your English book? -- Sure. Here you are.

10.Our first class (begin) at eight in the morning. 11. He is a little boy He is o six years old. 12. --Would you please show me the way? --S .

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.It often takes Joan half an hour (make) a kite. 2.Hobo hopes (be) a good player. 3.Thanks for (show ) me the picture of your family. 4.There is only one child in the playground. Others (be )in their classroom. 5.What’s the building for? -- It’s for (meet) 6.--- All the (good) to your family. – Thank you.

7. His parents (not do) the housework at weekends. They often go travelling. 8.There are a lot of flowers in the garden. It makes her (feel) happy. 9.Tom with his friends often (fly) kites every weekends. 10.I’d like (watch) the film with us this Saturday.

11. --When the shop (open) on weekdays? --- I don’t know. 12.My bedroom is on the (two)floor. It is very quiet and bright.

13.Don’t open your eyes when you do eye exercises. Keep them . (close) 三、用适当的代词填空。5’

1. Today is Grandpa’s seventieth birthday . We all say “Happy Birthday” to . 2.--- Mike, how do you like your new class?

---Great! Teachers and classmates are all nice to

3. Kitty is my best friend. go to the Reading Club every day. 4.This is Jack, and this is Mary. are in the same class.

5.Millie can’t work out the maths problem. Could you help with it ? 四、句型转换。20’

1. The man in a white shirt is Mr. White.(划线部分提问) man in a white shirt?

2. We also have two libraries in our school.(保持句意不变)

two libraries in our school . 3. Thank you for showing me your photos. (保持句意不变)

for showing your photos . 4. Kitty doesn’t enjoy dancing. (改为肯定句)

Kitty .

5. He would like to buy a dark blue coat.( 保持句意不变)

He buy a dark blue coat.

6. It takes her mother two and a half hours to do the housework. (划线部分提问)

does it take her mother do the housework? 7. Sandy seldom plays ball games after school. (划线部分提问)

does Sandy play ball games after school? 8. We will go on a trip next Monday. ( 保持句意不变)

We will next Monday. 五、根据首字母提示完成短文。20’


From Monday to F ,American students usually get up at seven. Then they have

b . After breakfast they go to school on foot or by yellow school bus. Some students r bikes. They get to school at about half past eight. Then they put their schoolbags in the locker(存物柜) and t only one book, a notebook and a pencil to each class. In the middle schools, students have classes for six hours. Their classes are English, Writing, Maths and so on.

At noon, students have lunch at school. They u have meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and a drink. But most students like pizzas, hot dogs and hamburgers better. Students don’t have a short r . They go back to have classes a lunch until(直到) three o’clock. Then they go home. Students usually play or watch TV before d . They have dinner at six in the evening. They usually have soup, meat, vegetables rice or pasta(面食). It is very healthy. After dinner they do their h . Sometimes they play or talk with their p . B

Mrs Green is an English teacher in our school. She is from America. She has a son and daughter. And now they are in Nanjing. Mrs Green has a round f and big blue eyes. She wears glasses and looks b . She loves her s . After class she often helps some students w English. She is r great. She is good at sports. Sometimes she plays ball g with us too. She can s some Chinese, but she can’t w . Mrs Green loves l of things in China. She e Chinese food and her life in China.

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