

Unit 3 Plants


写 得 准 1.slimadj. 纤细的,苗条的 2.anklen. 脚踝 3.coolvi./vt. 冷却;(使)变冷 4.shootn. 竹笋 5.pipen. 管,导管;烟斗 6.defeatvt. 击败,战胜 7.figurevt. 描绘;象征 n. 数字;人物 8.floatvi./vt. 浮动,飘浮,散播 9.trapn. 陷阱 10.unableadj. 不会的;无能力的;不能胜任的 用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1.There is too much dust on the village road. Moreover, the dusty road made the travelers dusty too. (dust) 2.The young man rushed for the drowning little girl, but before he reached her, she was drowned.(drown) 3.Cold and dry weather holds back the growth of the bamboo, for it usually grows well where it's hot 11.lovely adj.可爱的;迷人的→lovelinessn.美丽;and wet.(grow) 迷人 12.dust n.尘土;灰尘→dustyadj.满是灰尘的,灰尘覆盖的 4.As is known to all, nature is lovely in spring. The loveliness of spring is appreciated and 13.hanging adj.悬垂的,垂下的→hangvi./vt.悬挂;praised by many poets.(lovely) 绞死 14.growth n.生长物→growvi./vt.生长,种植 15.juicy adj.多汁的,多水分的→juicen.果汁;肉汁 16.sticky adj.粘的,粘性的→stickvi./vt.粘贴 5.Although the hero was hanged by the previous king 100 years ago, now his pictures are hanging in many libraries all over the world. (hang) 1


17.drown vi./vt.淹死,沉没→drowningadj.溺水的→drownedadj.淹死的 6.There are some fresh juicy oranges. I will squeeze some juice from them to treat you.(juice) 7.Jerry wanted to stick a stamp to the envelope, but the glue (胶水) is not sticky.(stick) ?积 得 多平时多积累,考场出华章

2.词形不变意不同 1.盘点“身体部位”名词 ①ankle 脚踝 ②cheek 面颊 ③eyebrow 眉毛 ④tongue 舌 ⑤throat 喉 ⑥wrist 腕 ⑦knee 膝 ⑧forehead 额 ①cool adj.冷的→v.(使)变冷 ②slow adj.慢的→v.减慢 ③heat n.热→v.加热 ④dirty adj.脏的→v.弄脏 ⑤quiet adj.安静的→v.使安静 ⑥name n.名字→v.命名 ⑦book n.书→v.预订 ⑧last adj.最后的→v.持续 二、短语——在应用中记牢,在归纳中记多

写 得 准 用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空) 3.巧记后缀-th名词 ①depth 深度 ②length 长度 ③width 宽度 ④youth 青年(们) ⑤growth 生长物;成长 ⑥strength 力量 ⑦warmth 温暖 ⑧breadth 广度 2


1.in_all 总共 2.come_up 成长,生长 3.do_with 处理,利用 4.cut_down 砍倒 5.at_the_same_time 同时 6.(be)_made_of_... 由……制成 7.put_..._into_... 使……进入…… 8.take_out 拿出,取出,去掉 9.be_made_into 做成 10.get_ready_to 准备好做…… 11.fly_away 飞走,飞开 12.float_off (搁浅的船等)浮起 13.a_great_deal_of_... 大量…… 14.a_great_many 很多 15.hang_up 把……挂起来;挂断电话 16.hear_of 听说 ?积 得 多平时多积累,考场出华章 1.“v.+down”短语大全 ①cut down 砍倒 ②put down 放下;写下 ③turn down 拒绝 ④break down 出故障;分解 ⑤set down 写下,记下 ⑥bring down 降低;减少 ⑦settle down 定居,安定下来 2.“许多” 短语巧识记 ①修饰不可数名词: a great deal of, a good amount of, large amounts of ②修饰可数名词: a great many, a/the number of ③既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词: a lot of/lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of/large quantities of 1.Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to do_with age. 2.Deserts are also created because people cut_down trees and dig up grass. 3.Just reach into your pocket and take_out a piece of sugar. 4.The old novelist has written two novels, and both of them have been_made_into television series. 5.Let's hang_up some paintings on these blank walls to create a romantic atmosphere. 6.Spring is coming. The flowers are just beginning to come_up. 3

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